inimicus / Cooldowns

Display a countdown for cooldowns of various sets
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Hollowfang Thirst #10

Open wilfer2 opened 4 years ago

wilfer2 commented 4 years ago

Provide the exact name of the set as it appears in the item tooltip Hollowfang Thirst Describe the proc condition and how it would benefit users by being tracked 5 items: Whenever you critically heal or critically damage a target, spawn a ball of Hemoglobin at their location. After 2 seconds the ball explodes, restoring 3000 Magicka and applying Minor Vitality to you and your allies within 6 meters of the ball for 9 seconds, increasing their healing received by 8%. This effect can occur once every 9 seconds.

It appears to proc a ball which explodes after 2 seconds. The proc cooldown (9s) begins when the ball is summoned, not when it explodes it looks like

If you've already sorted out the Data.lua update, add it here Temporarily hacked by using the orb explosion ID (gained from CMX) and using a cd of 7s (ID: 126938 for orb explosion)

inimicus commented 4 years ago

Very helpful, thank you!

Alphakilo commented 4 years ago

Wow this is ass to implement 😏 Judging by the combat log and the given example, one might think this should work, but nuh-uh!

inimicus commented 4 years ago

Hmm, I'll take a look as well. Might need some tweaks to the filters on player and the difference between ability and effect IDs.