inimicus / Cooldowns

Display a countdown for cooldowns of various sets
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Arcanist Implacable Outcome #26

Open inimicus opened 1 year ago

inimicus commented 1 year ago

Provide the exact name of the passive as it appears in the skill menu Soldier of Apocrypha > Passives > Implacable Outcome

Describe the unique passive condition and how it would benefit users by being tracked When you consume Crux, gain [2, 4] ultimate. This effect can occur every 8 seconds.

If you've already sorted out the Data.lua update, add it here Rank I: 185051 Rank 2: 185070

inimicus commented 1 year ago


inimicus commented 1 year ago
    ["Implacable Outcome"] = {
        procType = "passive",
        classId = 117,
        event = EVENT_COMBAT_EVENT,
        description = "Displays the cooldown for gaining ultimate when consuming Crux.",
        settingsColor = "CD5031",
        id = {185051, 185070},
        enabled = false,
        cooldownDurationMs = 8000,
        onCooldown = false,
        timeOfProc = 0,
        texture = "/esoui/art/icons/",
        showFrame = true,