inimicus / Cooldowns

Display a countdown for cooldowns of various sets
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Turning Tide #28

Open inimicus opened 10 months ago

inimicus commented 10 months ago

Provide the exact name of the set as it appears in the item tooltip Such as Vestments of the Warlock, Wyrd Tree's Blessing, or Trappings of Invigoration. Turning Tide

Describe the proc condition and how it would benefit users by being tracked Include the tooltip portion of the set bonus or describe the proc condition in your own words. Block hit, do bash, make vulnerable, profit.

If you've already sorted out the Data.lua update, add it here Do not include the full table, just the relevant parts that provide the support for the set.

["Turning Tide"] = {
    procType = "set",
    description = "Displays when the Major Vulnerability effect can proc.",
    settingsColor = "FCFCCB",
    id = 167062,
    enabled = false,
    cooldownDurationMs = 15000,
    onCooldown = false,
    timeOfProc = 0,
    texture = "/esoui/art/icons/",
    showFrame = true,