iniside / ActionRPGGame

Unreal Engine 4 Action RPG type game starter kit.
1k stars 324 forks source link

Can't compile on 4.7.1 #5

Closed kuafu closed 8 years ago

kuafu commented 9 years ago

2>------ Skipped Build: Project: UE4, Configuration: BuiltWithUnrealBuildTool Win32 ------ 2>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration 1> Parsing headers for ActionRPGGameEditor 1> D:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.7/Engine/Source/Runtime/AIModule/Classes/BehaviorTree/Decorators/BTDecorator_BlueprintBase.h(217) : Unparsed class 'TemporaryUHTHeader_GameplayTagContainer' found while validating DependsOn entries for 'BTDecorator_CheckGameplayTagsOnActor' 1>Error : Failed to generate code for ActionRPGGameEditor - error code: OtherCompilationError (2)