iniside / ActionRPGGame

Unreal Engine 4 Action RPG type game starter kit.
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Cannot Compile against 4.7.3 #6

Closed Chaos192 closed 6 years ago

Chaos192 commented 9 years ago

So that is what I get every single time, it is unable to find any of the includes >.>

iniside commented 9 years ago

Did you tried to rebuild from Visual Studio ? That missing ActionRPGGame.h header is really baffling, you can see it is in repo here:

Chaos192 commented 9 years ago

Yeah I tried it every way i could think, I changed build settings and I get the error of it missing the headers and if I do nothing to it but hit rebuild then I get the same error as before and yes I am using Visual studio 2013 ultimate edition. I really do not get what is missing but I either get this error: (building as Win32)

or this one: (Building as X64 which is default build settings)

In visual studio and the first one doesn't make sense since all the headers are there and the second one is the same error I had before.

iniside commented 9 years ago

Can you post output log ?

I cloned repo, and I have error, but it is related to some part of engine concerning AI, for whatever reason 0o.

Chaos192 commented 9 years ago

Okay I was playing with it again and it had the .generated.h after the names of the .h files it couldn't find so I removed the .generated part and this is what I get now:

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: ActionRPGGame, Configuration: DevelopmentEditor x64 ------ 1> Cleaning ActionRPGGameEditor Binaries... 1> Parsing headers for ActionRPGGameEditor 1>C:/Users/Chaos/Documents/Unreal Projects/ActionRPGGame/Source/GameInterfaces/IGIInput.h(6): error : Class 'UIGIInput' contains a dependency (#include or DependsOn) to itself 1>C:/Users/Chaos/Documents/Unreal Projects/ActionRPGGame/Source/GameInterfaces/IGIInteractable.h(8): error : Class 'UIGIInteractable' contains a dependency (#include or DependsOn) to itself 1>C:/Users/Chaos/Documents/Unreal Projects/ActionRPGGame/Source/GameInterfaces/IGIPawn.h(9): error : Class 'UIGIPawn' contains a dependency (#include or DependsOn) to itself 1>C:/Users/Chaos/Documents/Unreal Projects/ActionRPGGame/Source/GameInterfaces/IGISkeletalMesh.h(6): error : Class 'UIGISkeletalMesh' contains a dependency (#include or DependsOn) to itself 1>C:/Users/Chaos/Documents/Unreal Projects/ActionRPGGame/Source/GameInterfaces/IGISocket.h(6): error : Class 'UIGISocket' contains a dependency (#include or DependsOn) to itself 1>Error : Failed to generate code for ActionRPGGameEditor - error code: OtherCompilationError (2) 1> UnrealHeaderTool failed for target 'ActionRPGGameEditor' (platform: Win64, module info: C:\Users\Chaos\Documents\Unreal Projects\ActionRPGGame\Intermediate\Build\Win64\ActionRPGGameEditor\Development\UnrealHeaderTool.manifest). 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(43,5): error MSB3073: The command ""C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.7\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat" ActionRPGGameEditor Win64 Development "C:\Users\Chaos\Documents\Unreal Projects\ActionRPGGame\ActionRPGGame.uproject" -rocket" exited with code 2. ========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

iniside commented 9 years ago

Ok. I dunno if this wil help you, since I just can't reproduce your log but:

  1. Clone repository again.
  2. Right click on uproject file, and select switch unreal engine version, and select binary 4.7.
  3. Open project in visual studio.
  4. Right click on ActionRPGGame, go to properties, go to NMake, and and here wiill be general section. Find ActionRPGGameEditor, and replace it with ActionRPGGame, for Build Command Line, Rebuild All, Clean.

It seems, to helped resolved the issues I had. It might or might not be related though. Now I'm trying to figure out, why wrong command lines were generated in first place..

Chaos192 commented 9 years ago

Okay that worked thanks man :)

iniside commented 9 years ago

Bah it doesn't work ;) It builds an Game Build, not editor build, so you still won't be able to run editor.

I'm still trying to figure out why it doesn't compile against binary version.

In mean while I'm sure it will work against latest source 4.7 source.

Chaos192 commented 9 years ago

Ah yeah I see what you are saying now, it does make an game build but that fails to launch lol.. But at least there aren't any errors for that, only thing left is fixing it to work on editor build. There is a 3DBuzz tutorial for creating plugins for UE4 so I will be watching that.

iniside commented 9 years ago


If you are still interested I think i fixed the issues finally. Or so it seems at least.

Chaos192 commented 9 years ago

I will check it out thanks, hopefully it builds as an editor build and not a game build.

Chaos192 commented 9 years ago

Sorry man it gives the same issue as before and you have to manually go in and remove the "Editor" part in NMake like before.

henrya2 commented 9 years ago

I got the same issue as you. I use binary version 4.7.3.

iniside commented 9 years ago

Lol sorry for last message I was writing from tablet had wrong language setup, and auto correct I on kicked in.

Sorry but it is impossiblie to compile against launcher version. You must use source from github. There is bug in binarny which prevents it from working. On Friday, 20 March 2015, Chaos192 wrote:

So that is what I get every single time, it is unable to find any of the includes >.>

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