inkblot / puppet-bind

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Hangs on dnssec-keygen #137

Open witchbutter opened 6 years ago

witchbutter commented 6 years ago

If you try to create a key with a base64 encoded string as the input, the module hangs trying to initialize the key with no meaningful error messages.

Using this stanza:

# this creates a key based on the provided secret
bind::key { 'dynamic-update':
  algorithm => 'hmac-sha512',
  # the secret has to be a generated base64 string
  secret    => 'xxxxxx32randomcharactersxxxxxxxx',
  owner     => 'root',
  group     => 'bind',

Results in this message from puppet apply --debug which is where it hangs:

Debug: /Stage[main]/Dnsserver/Bind::Zone[]/File[/var/cach/bind/]: The container Bind::Zone[] will propagate my refresh event
Debug: Exec[](provider=posix): Executing '/usr/local/bin/dnssec-init '/var/cache/bind' ''                '' '' '/dev/random' ''                '''
Debug: Executing with uid=bind: '/usr/local/bin/dnssec-init '/var/cache/bind' ''                '' '' '/dev/random' ''                '''

This is using Ubuntu 16.04.3