inkblot / puppet-bind

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Ubuntu: Platform is not supported #72

Closed netflash closed 8 years ago

netflash commented 8 years ago

Hello, I've just upgrade to 5.0.1 and suffering from this error

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Platform is not supported at /etc/puppet/modules/bind/manifests/defaults.pp:17 on node X

module version 5.0.1 puppet version 3.8.4 OS - Ubuntu 14.04

facter|grep osfamily
osfamily => Debian

Could you please help me to solve this ?

PS In versions 4.4.0, 5.0.0 - another error

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Must pass supported to Class[Bind::Params] at /etc/puppet/modules/bind/manifests/init.pp:15

PPS module_data installed

inkblot commented 8 years ago

Can you please capture the debug log messages related to the bind::defaults::supported hiera key? In master mode, these will appear in the puppet master's logs after setting the log_level to debug or lower level. In masterless mode, they will appear in the standard output of the puppet apply command when you use the --debug option.

As far as the difference between 5.0.1 and earlier versions of the module, the bind::params class has been replaced with the bind::defaults class and they serve mostly the same purpose but I have more carefully categorized parameters as ones that belong in this class versus ones that belong in the bind class.

I am using this module on Debian, and so I suspect that the issue you are experiencing is probably related to hiera. I know that Debian is supported and Ubuntu should be as well by the same set of defaults.

netflash commented 8 years ago

That's something strange just happened. I've rebstarted puppet master (foreman) and it works now. Sorry to bother you.

inkblot commented 8 years ago

That's OK. I'm glad it worked out.