inkle / ink

inkle's open source scripting language for writing interactive narrative.
MIT License
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Support keyboard navigation to select choice #865

Open hsandt opened 9 months ago

hsandt commented 9 months ago

I noticed that keys Up/Down do not work to select choices. Instead, you can navigate through choices using Tab and Shift+Tab, web-style. But this is less convenient for players who except a video-game / Visual-Novel-like interface.

It would be nice if you could navigate choices with Up/Down keyboard arrows, and in addition confirm selection with Space (Enter already works because it's web standard).

I also wanted to suggest pressing Space/Enter to advance to next block, but unlike VN (Visual Novel) editors like Renpy in NVL (novel) mode, narrator does not automatically pause after each block of text, it displays everything on the same page and you scroll like a novel - which is fine per se, but it also means that to pause displaying a long text without branches, you must add an artificial single choice "Continue" -> knot just below. And since there is no auto-focus on first choice, you cannot press Enter to just continue either, you must Tab then Enter.