inkle / ink

inkle's open source scripting language for writing interactive narrative.
MIT License
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Wont export to web if named anything different than "" and exported games will only start if I hit "Reset" #894

Open celine218 opened 3 months ago

celine218 commented 3 months ago

Hello! I am currently running into an ongoing issue that I could really use some assistance in ASAP.

During a playtest, Inky started randomly bugging out after I made a small tweak to a story (Changing a * to a +). The only thing that happened that was slightly different than the other playtests was that someone clicked "Save" and "Load", and then it started going haywire.

As of now, it will not export any inky files to web if it is named anything other than "". If I try to re-name it, the file error says "Could not export: Ink has errors - please fix them before exporting".

If I do successfully export a file that is titled "", the story starts at the end and only begins if I hit "Reset".

As of now I've tried: Restarting my computer Uninstalled/reinstalled it Checked if the other projects work on another computer, which they do

Currently the inky file is sitting in C:\Program Files (x86)\Inky-win32-x64. It's not showing up as an app so I'm guessing it's installed wrong or something?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated