inkle / inky

An editor for ink: inkle's narrative scripting language
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Linux Build Opens .ink Files But Play Pane Doesn't Load Properly At All (Linux Mint 21.1) #474

Open Zishan-Rahman opened 1 year ago

Zishan-Rahman commented 1 year ago

I'm having this problem on my Linux Mint 21.1 laptop, where Inky starts as it should, with the play pane compiling and all, but when I try to open an existing .ink file, the play pane/compilation stalls and I can't get it to work. The "Rewind a single choice" and "Restart story" buttons stop working as well.

Here's a demonstration of the issue I'm having:

I don't know if this problem persists on other Linux distributions and/or other builds for other OSes.

Please can this get looked into somehow? Cause I'm not really sure what's going wrong here. I hope I'm not missing anything (if I am, please let me know).

inthecure commented 1 year ago

Late to the party, but running into the exact same issue on Windows 10 x64. Downloaded the file.

The play pane only seems to work in the original file. If I open any other file, it just enters a never-ending loading time. If someone finds a fix, please let me know

UPD: for anyone struggling with this, I've 'fixed' it by saving my files in the following folder: Inky-win32-x64\resources\app.asar.unpacked\main-process\ink\longer-ink-snippets. I've tested this a bit more, and the play pane seems work as long as the .ink file is in the Inky-win32-x64 folder or its subfolders. However, if it's one level above, the play pane does not load.