inkle / inky

An editor for ink: inkle's narrative scripting language
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Memory usage grows rapidly and story never renders when opening an example ink file #492

Open gnu-lorien opened 10 months ago

gnu-lorien commented 10 months ago

I'm a first time user of Inky and I'm running into a fairly odd problem. When I load Inky the initial example runs fine. If I then click on Ink->Full Stories->The Intercept, that story loads and I can start exploring it.

The problem is that even that simple example can't be loaded once saved. If I Save Project with the exact text of the Intercept, then Open Recent the following happens:

The amount of memory that it grows to is in the 4 or 5GB range compared to its normal usage measured closer to 1 MB or so. I'm not sure why loading an ink file results in such catastrophic misbehavior, but it makes Inky essentially unusable. I tried to look around for similar symptoms to see if there was some usual fix but I couldn't find it. Hopefully it's just me experiencing this!

Windows 11 x64 0.14.1

gnu-lorien commented 10 months ago

It was mentioned that maybe this was about the folder that the ink files were in causes the misbehavior. This appeared to be what was causing me trouble. I was saving my ink files in the Documents folder. Apparently something about this folder disrupts something that Inky tries to do. I created a folder just for ink files and they're now able to open and play the story correctly.