inkle / inky

An editor for ink: inkle's narrative scripting language
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Inky tries to export JSON as a .ink file #493

Open GerardGascon opened 9 months ago

GerardGascon commented 9 months ago

When exporting the ink story to JSON, inky by default tries to export it as a .ink file instead of a .json file, to avoid this you have to type that you want it to be a .json file, but it should be done by default.

Selsynn commented 9 months ago

It does not on my install.

Do you export it with the File / Export as JSON command (or Ctrl+Shift+S) ? When I'm doing it, it's selected as a JSON entry and create a JSON file.

From what you are saying, it's trying to basically save the working basic ink file, that is in another format (I'm not sure you can come back from json -> ink. Or at least I'm not sure you can do it easily.)

What is your inky version? OS?