inkle / inky

An editor for ink: inkle's narrative scripting language
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Writing Tools #494

Open zeltas opened 9 months ago

zeltas commented 9 months ago


Selsynn commented 9 months ago

When working on big project, I tend to go to another IDE like Code, for example. It will help with autosave, spell checkers and all that stuffs, and back to inky when I want to work and test something special and some small part of ink code. Or when I want to test the game globally.

Just keep it closed while you are working with another program on it, and use a notepad kind of program (Visual Studio Code is a nice one, that has some partial ink plugins and has a great community for a tons of tools) Don't try to edit in Word or LibreOffice or another high level text writing software, as they are not use to work directly with basic text file (and the ink format does not have a ton of crap they want to use)