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Consider introducing immutable, user-defined, atomically reference counted types #714

Open yorickpeterse opened 4 months ago

yorickpeterse commented 4 months ago


Inko's shared-nothing approach generally works well enough, but there are cases where one really wants to use some form of (immutable) shared data. An example of this is something like memcached: you have a process accepting connections, spawning a new process to handle each connection. Data in turn is stored in one or more nodes, which are also processes. Client processes then read data from the socket and determine what node process to get their data from:

                        +----------------+     +----------------+
         +------------> | client process | --> | node process 1 |
         |              +----------------+     +----------------+
| accept() process |     
         |              +----------------+     +----------------+
         +------------> | client process | --> | node process 2 |
                        +----------------+     +----------------+

                                               | node process 2 |

Without the ability to share data, client processes must not only send e.g. the key they're interested in to a node, but also a reference to themselves and the socket to send the data back to. The node process then gets the data, writes it to the socket, and sends a message back to the client process containing the socket, such that the client process can resume its work.

In other words, instead of nodes sharing their data with clients, clients tell nodes where to write the data to, and nodes then wake up clients again, passing the necessary data back to it.

While this model works, it means nodes now need to handle writing to sockets, error handling, etc; instead of just being dumb data storage processes. It also leads to a somewhat clunky API where data used by clients is passed around as arguments (such that we can pass it between clients and nodes), instead of this data being stored in a client process field.

In contrast, if we introduce immutable, atomically reference counted types then this problem goes away: instead of nodes writing to sockets, they simply send an immutable value back to the client. The client then writes this value to the socket and discards it.

The foundations for this already are in place: internally we already support atomic reference counting for types such as String and Channel, so we could introduce the type rc T for arbitrary types. Such types would be created using recover just as how one creates uni T values. This should be safe because:

  1. recover guarantees no outside borrows to the value exist
  2. rc T types would only allow the use of fn methods and not fn mut methods
  3. Any mut T references stored to the rc T graph in the graph itself would be turned into ref T references upon retrieval, due to the previous fact/limitation, i.e. Array.get returns ref T even if the value is stored as mut T and Array.get_mut wouldn't be available

recover itself likely needs no changing, and instead we can implement this by allowing the casting of uni T to rc T values, such that you can simply write this:

let cats: rc Array[Cat] = recover [Cat(...), Cat(...)]

Or this:

recover [Cat(...), Cat(...)] as rc Array[Cat]

The downside of this approach is having to use explicit type signatures, which could get verbose for complex generic types. An alternative is to introduce syntax like this:

recover rc [Cat(...), Cat(...)]


Using an approach like this we're essentially "cheating" the shared-nothing idea, because we are very much sharing data. On the other hand, this isn't that different from e.g. Erlang's ETS feature.

Another downside is a more complicated type system, and in particular it feels a bit like a slippery slope towards a complicated capabilities system as found in Pony, something I'd like to avoid.

To put it differently, I prefer fewer features capable of doing more things rather than introduce many specific-purpose features.

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yorickpeterse commented 4 months ago

An example I've been playing with that lead to this is the following:


import std.endian.little
import (IpAddress)
import (TcpClient)
import std.stdio (STDOUT)

let GET = 0
let SET = 1

fn set(key: String, value: String) -> ByteArray {
  let buf =


  # The key
  buf.resize(size: buf.size + 8, value: 0)
  little.write_i64(key.size, into: buf, at: 1)

  # The value
  buf.resize(size: buf.size + 8, value: 0)
  little.write_i64(value.size, into: buf, at: buf.size - 8)

fn get(key: String) -> ByteArray {
  let buf =


  # The key
  buf.resize(size: buf.size + 8, value: 0)
  little.write_i64(key.size, into: buf, at: 1)

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let client =, 0, 0, 0), port: 9999).or_panic(
      'failed to connect to the server',

    client.write_bytes(set('name', 'Alice')).or_panic('SET failed')
    client.write_bytes(get('name')).or_panic('GET failed')

    let resp =
    let size = match resp, size: 8) {
      case Ok(8) -> little.read_i64(from: resp, at: 0)
      case Ok(_) -> panic('not enough bytes read')
      case Error(e) -> panic('failed reading the size: ${e}')


    match resp, size: size) {
      case Ok(n) if n == size -> {}
      case Ok(_) -> panic('not enough bytes read')
      case Error(e) -> panic('failed reading the bytes: ${e}')

    let stdout =



import std.endian.little
import std.hash.siphash (SipHasher13)
import (MAX)
import (BufferedReader, Error)
import (IpAddress)
import (TcpClient, TcpServer)
import std.stdio (STDIN, STDOUT)

let GET = 0
let SET = 1

fn hash(node: Int, key: ref ByteArray) -> Int {
  let hasher =, 200)

  key.iter.each(fn (b) { hasher.write(b) })

fn select_node(nodes: ref Array[Node], key: ref ByteArray) -> uni (Int, Node) {
  let mut node = 0
  let mut max = 0
  let mut idx = 0
  let len = nodes.size

  while idx < len {
    let hash = hash(idx, key)

    if hash > max {
      node = idx
      max = hash

    idx += 1

  recover (max, nodes.get(node))

class async Node {
  # TODO: If we pass the node specific Hash, we can just reuse that.
  # TODO: we don't need to maintain the order here
  let @data: Map[ByteArray, ByteArray]

  fn static new -> Node {
    Node(data: recover

  fn async get(key: uni ByteArray, client: Client, connection: uni Connection) {
    let key = recover key
    let connection = match @data.opt(key) {
      case Some(v) -> {
        # TODO: until is fixed, we
        # have to clone() here and do this awful dance to be able to write the
        # bytes.
        let val = recover v.clone

        recover {
          let val = recover val
          let con = recover connection

      case _ -> connection


  fn async mut set(
    key: uni ByteArray,
    value: uni ByteArray,
    client: Client,
    connection: uni Connection,
  ) {
    @data.set(key, value)

class Connection {
  let @socket: TcpClient
  let @buffer: ByteArray

  fn static new(socket: TcpClient) -> Connection {
    Connection(socket: socket, buffer: recover

  fn mut read_byte -> Result[Int, Error] {
    match @buffer, size: 1) {
      case Ok(1) -> Result.Ok(@buffer.pop.get)
      case Ok(_) -> Result.Error(Error.ConnectionReset)
      case Error(e) -> Result.Error(e)

  fn mut read_bytes -> Result[ByteArray, Error] {
    let size = try read_int
    let buf =

    match buf, size: size) {
      case Ok(n) if n == size -> Result.Ok(buf)
      case Ok(_) -> Result.Error(Error.ConnectionReset)
      case Error(e) -> Result.Error(e)

  fn mut write_int(value: Int) {
    @buffer.resize(size: 8, value: 0)
    little.write_i64(value, into: @buffer, at: 0)

    let _ = @socket.write_bytes(@buffer)


  fn mut write_bytes(bytes: ref ByteArray) {

    let _ = @socket.write_bytes(bytes)

  fn mut read_int -> Result[Int, Error] {
    match @buffer, size: 8) {
      case Ok(8) -> {}
      case Ok(_) -> throw Error.ConnectionReset
      case Error(e) -> throw e

    let size = little.read_i64(@buffer, at: 0)


class async Client {
  let @nodes: Array[Node]

  fn static new(nodes: ref Array[Node]) -> Client {
    Client(recover nodes.iter.to_array)

  fn async mut main(connection: uni Connection) {
    let stdout =

    stdout.print('Waiting for client command...')

    let byte = match connection.read_byte {
      case Ok(v) -> v
      case Error(e) -> {
        stdout.print('failed to read the command type: ${e}')
        # TODO: what would we do here?

    match byte {
      case GET -> get(connection)
      case SET -> set(connection)
      case _ -> {
        stdout.print('command ${byte} is invalid')
        # TODO: what would we do here? Communicate the results back?

  fn mut get(connection: uni Connection) {
    let key = recover {
      match connection.read_bytes {
        case Ok(v) -> v
        case Error(e) -> {
'error while reading the key: ${e}')
          return main(connection)
    }'GET ${key}')

    match select_node(@nodes, key) {
      case (_hash, node) -> node.get(key, self, connection)

  fn mut set(connection: uni Connection) {
    let key = recover {
      match connection.read_bytes {
        case Ok(v) -> v
        case Error(e) -> {
'error while reading the key: ${e}')
          return main(connection)
    let val = recover {
      match connection.read_bytes {
        case Ok(v) -> v
        case Error(e) -> {
'error while reading the value: ${e}')
          return main(connection)
    }'SET ${key} = ${val}')

    match select_node(@nodes, key) {
      case (_hash, node) -> node.set(key, val, self, connection)

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let nodes = [,,]
    let server = TcpServer
      .new(ip: IpAddress.v4(0, 0, 0, 0), port: 9999)
      .or_panic('failed to set up the server')

    loop {
      let con = recover {
        match server.accept {
          case Ok(v) ->
          case _ -> next

In the server code we can see the mentioned "pass data to the nodes" pattern, specifically the Client and uni Connection values being passed around.

yorickpeterse commented 3 months ago

To add another challenge to consider: given an rc T, any borrow of a sub value must also be an rc T, otherwise it's possible for process A to non-atomically increment the reference count while process B atomically increments/decrements it, resulting in an inconsistent state.

Another issue is that if a sub-value borrowed as ref T is turned into rc T, we can't tell the difference between a borrowed and owned sub value. This means that when we get rid of the rc T, we can't know if we're supposed to just decrement it, or if we should also check if the value now needs to be dropped.

Perhaps an alternative is to introduce class rc or something along those lines, with the restriction that such types can only store other value or class rc types. This however could be tricky to enforce correctly, and probably be of limited value.

yorickpeterse commented 3 months ago

I think that if we introduce atomic reference counting, we need not only rc T but also rc ref T. Here rc T is the atomic version of T, while rc ref T is the atomic equivalent of ref T. A rc ref T would be produced for any ref T obtained through an rc T. The difference between rc T and rc ref T is that for rc T decrements follow a drop check, while for rc ref T it's just an atomic decrement.

This still leaves the challenge of running destructors, as we'd have to ensure that for an rc T object graph all reference count checks use atomic operations, as it's possible for a process to retain an atomic reference to a sub value in the graph.