inlab-geo / espresso

Earth Science PRoblems for the Evaluation of Strategies, Solvers and Optimizers
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CI Experiments (tmp) #122

Closed jwhhh closed 1 year ago

jwhhh commented 1 year ago

Not working due to Python.h not found.

In summary, here are the lessons learned:

  1. The cmake in the windows runner image uses Visual Studio by default, therefore cannot use the Fortran compiler without an additional Intel component
  2. The above might be easily fixed by specifying the generator explicitly -G "MinGW Makefiles", however scikit-build doesn't support this generator yet
  3. On the basis of above, I tried to set up everything with MSYS2, but ran into the following error while installing scipy so installed python in MinGW:
    ERROR: This python3 seems to be msys/python on MSYS2 Windows, but you are in a MinGW environment
    ERROR: Please install and use mingw-w64-x86_64-python3 and/or mingw-w64-x86_64-meson with Pacman
  4. After installing the MinGW python, it fails to find Python.h while installing numpy and suggested to install python-dev or python-devel. There is a python-devel in MSYS2 but maybe it isn't compatible with the MinGW python, so it doesn't find the header file even though I've installed python-devel.

Not going to spend more time on testing with Windows. Will move on to container support.