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Remove unused spatstat.core dependency #165

Closed finnlindgren closed 1 year ago

finnlindgren commented 1 year ago

Dear package maintainer

This message is addressed to all maintainers of CRAN packages that Depend, Import or Suggest the package 'spatstat.core'.

'spatstat.core' has now been split into two packages, 'spatstat.explore' and 'spatstat.model' to satisfy CRAN's limits on package size. These new packages will be submitted to CRAN in the next few days, and at some later time, spatstat.core will be archived (meaning it will no longer be available).

We suggest that you wait until you receive a message from CRAN asking you to update your package, and then replace references to 'spatstat.core' by references to 'spatstat.explore' and 'spatstat.model'.

You can see the new packages at the GitHub repository or the r-universe repository:

Broadly, spatstat.explore contains the "exploratory data analysis" capabilities such as summary functions (Kest, Gest, Fest, Kinhom etc etc), kernel smoothing (density.ppp, Smooth.ppp), simulation envelopes and nonparametric hypothesis tests, while spatstat.model contains the parametric modelling capabilities (ppm, kppm, mppm), parametric inference ( anova.ppm), and diagnostics ( leverage, influence).

We would be happy to help you with the transition.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

best wishes, the spatstat authors


Reverse depends: dbmss, globalKinhom, ppmlasso, Reverse imports: binspp, Biolinv, DRHotNet, ecespa, ETAS, ForestGapR, geonet, GmAMisc, hht, highriskzone, idar, IDSpatialStats, kernstadapt, lacunaritycovariance, lgcp, lisaClust, onpoint, osmplotr, rcarbon, replicatedpp2w, selectspm, Seurat, shar, smacpod, sparr, SpatEntropy, spatialEco, spatialTIME, SpatialVx, spatsurv, spicyR, SpNetPrep, SPUTNIK, stlnpp, stpp, treetop, trip, ttbary Reverse suggests: GET, inlabru, stats19, trajectories

Prof Adrian Baddeley FAA John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia