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Dashboard page - Single Course Lecture View #126

Open lloan opened 4 years ago

lloan commented 4 years ago

This is a three-part task:


What is the new component or item: Create a design doc for developers to create a static copy with code. You will be using UIKit components along with Fontawesome PRO icons. Any comments you need to make, make them in the discussion of the issue or the implementation issue for this component.

The expected deliverable will be a design document with specs that shows all the possible states it has. Provide notes as necessary.

Proof of Concept

Create a proof of concept - take the design doc, specs sheet and convert it to code. You will be using UIKit as the CSS library along with Fontawesome PRO icons. Do not worry about logic during this step, just build out the component.

The expected deliverable will be a component that is responsive and mobile-ready. Make sure you address all stories requested (states) - if time permits. The next task will deal with adding any additional logic that might be needing. For example, creating API requests, iterating through data, etc.

Implement the Proof of Concept

Take the proof of concept and add missing logic. This means take it from static and make it dynamic if it requires it. Build it to be modular, add comments and make sure component is polished.

Design: dashboard-course-lecture dashboard-course-lecture-specs