inlets / inletsctl

Create inlets servers on the top cloud platforms
MIT License
457 stars 63 forks source link

Azure: Update Ubuntu version due to deprecation of 16.04 (bionic) #100

Closed dirien closed 3 years ago

dirien commented 3 years ago

Overall issue -> #95 Signed-off-by: Engin Diri


Update Ubuntu images to 20.04 for the Azure provider

How Has This Been Tested?

How are existing users impacted? What migration steps/scripts do we need?

Create the inlets exit node:

go run main.go create -p azure --subscription-id=xxx --access-token-file=./cred.json --region westeurope
Using provider: azure
Requesting host: hardcore-mccarthy5 in westeurope, from azure
2021/07/08 06:51:03 Provisioning host with Azure
2021/07/08 06:51:03 Creating resource group inlets-hardcore-mccarthy5
2021/07/08 06:51:05 Resource group created inlets-hardcore-mccarthy5
2021/07/08 06:51:05 Creating deployment deployment-a81ec491-21b6-4531-83f9-9db2dbf887a1
Host: inlets-hardcore-mccarthy5|deployment-a81ec491-21b6-4531-83f9-9db2dbf887a1, status: active
[1/500] Host: inlets-hardcore-mccarthy5|deployment-a81ec491-21b6-4531-83f9-9db2dbf887a1, status: Running
[9/500] Host: inlets-hardcore-mccarthy5|deployment-a81ec491-21b6-4531-83f9-9db2dbf887a1, status: active
inlets PRO TCP (0.8.3) server summary:

Connect client:

inlets-pro tcp client --url "wss://" \
  --token "CZSY7DVfeFbBMi2e3hhcArg7bv9wQhdUpMm9m15QrFnmKF0IlehM4MKNcFcVJsOl" \
  --upstream $UPSTREAM \
  --ports $PORTS

2021/07/08 06:53:18 Starting TCP client. Version 0.8.5 - 8db64ded51b1455cf4ad027c52bc9cfbeb55c4b3
2021/07/08 06:53:18 Licensed to: Free trial <>, expires: 29 day(s)
2021/07/08 06:53:18 Upstream server: localhost, for ports: 8080
inlets-pro client. Copyright Alex Ellis, OpenFaaS Ltd 2020
INFO[2021/07/08 06:53:19] Connecting to proxy                           url="wss://"
INFO[2021/07/08 06:53:19] Connection established.. OK.

Test local service:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
    body {
        width: 35em;
        margin: 0 auto;
        font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
working. Further configuration is required.</p>

<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href=""></a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href=""></a>.</p>

<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>


I have: