The Filtering and getUrl methods could get rework to make them easier to read and understand, currently they are spread into many files and they are hard to modify, especially as new requirements require them to communicate with each other which isn't simple task to do. With query manager redesign it's a great moment to take a look on them, and how we could rework them to drop current implementation in favor of something more global with simpler flow
for the rework that could be useful - - react state in url, we could get rid of our own implementation if there would be similar complexity as in own implementation of query management
The Filtering and getUrl methods could get rework to make them easier to read and understand, currently they are spread into many files and they are hard to modify, especially as new requirements require them to communicate with each other which isn't simple task to do. With query manager redesign it's a great moment to take a look on them, and how we could rework them to drop current implementation in favor of something more global with simpler flow