innerlee / setup

Setup a new machine without sudo!
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apt install thefuck #37

Open FANG-MING opened 2 years ago

FANG-MING commented 2 years ago

when i install opencv, and add 'export OpenCV_DIR=/home/fms/app' to .zshrc,but i got dircolors: /home/fms/.dircolors: 没有那个文件或目录 -bash: ${(@s.:.)LS_COLORS}:错误的替换 autoload:未找到命令 unsetopt:未找到命令 bindkey:未找到命令 -bash: /home/xxx/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh: 没有那个文件或目录

Command 'thefuck' not found, but can be installed with:

apt install thefuck

Please:未找到命令 -bash: .zshrc: 行 41: 语法错误: 未预期的文件结尾

innerlee commented 2 years ago

The .zshrc in this repo is not a "just works" one. It is used for reference. Please do not use it to replace your own .zshrc.

innerlee commented 2 years ago

Side note: