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can't install komodo. multiple methods attempted #12

Closed natkre closed 9 years ago

natkre commented 9 years ago

here's my command line history, please let me know what went wrong and how to fix @zoelogic @taono @papanja

nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:~$ ./ bash: ./ No such file or directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:~$ pwd /home/nathanael nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:~$ cd / nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ ls bin dev initrd.img lib64 mnt root srv usr boot etc lib lost+found opt run sys var cdrom home lib32 media proc sbin tmp vmlinuz nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ cd bin nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ ls bash fgconsole nc setfacl bunzip2 fgrep nc.openbsd setfont busybox findmnt netcat setupcon bzcat fuser netstat sh bzcmp fusermount nisdomainname sh.distrib bzdiff getfacl ntfs-3g sleep bzegrep grep ntfs-3g.probe ss bzexe gunzip ntfs-3g.secaudit static-sh bzfgrep gzexe ntfs-3g.usermap stty bzgrep gzip ntfscat su bzip2 hostname ntfsck sync bzip2recover ip ntfscluster tailf bzless kbd_mode ntfscmp tar bzmore keyctl ntfsdump_logfile tempfile cat kill ntfsfix touch chacl kmod ntfsinfo true chgrp less ntfsls udevadm chmod lessecho ntfsmftalloc ulockmgr_server chown lessfile ntfsmove umount chvt lesskey ntfstruncate uname cp lesspipe ntfswipe uncompress cpio ln open unicode_start dash loadkeys openvt vdir date login pidof vmmouse_detect dbus-cleanup-sockets loginctl ping which dbus-daemon lowntfs-3g ping6 whiptail dbus-uuidgen ls plymouth ypdomainname dd lsblk plymouth-upstart-bridge zcat df lsmod ps zcmp dir mkdir pwd zdiff dmesg mknod rbash zegrep dnsdomainname mktemp readlink zfgrep domainname more red zforce dumpkeys mount rm zgrep echo mountpoint rmdir zless ed mt rnano zmore efibootmgr mt-gnu running-in-container znew egrep mv run-parts false nano sed nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ cd sh bash: cd: sh: Not a directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ ls bash fgconsole nc setfacl bunzip2 fgrep nc.openbsd setfont busybox findmnt netcat setupcon bzcat fuser netstat sh bzcmp fusermount nisdomainname sh.distrib bzdiff getfacl ntfs-3g sleep bzegrep grep ntfs-3g.probe ss bzexe gunzip ntfs-3g.secaudit static-sh bzfgrep gzexe ntfs-3g.usermap stty bzgrep gzip ntfscat su bzip2 hostname ntfsck sync bzip2recover ip ntfscluster tailf bzless kbd_mode ntfscmp tar bzmore keyctl ntfsdump_logfile tempfile cat kill ntfsfix touch chacl kmod ntfsinfo true chgrp less ntfsls udevadm chmod lessecho ntfsmftalloc ulockmgr_server chown lessfile ntfsmove umount chvt lesskey ntfstruncate uname cp lesspipe ntfswipe uncompress cpio ln open unicode_start dash loadkeys openvt vdir date login pidof vmmouse_detect dbus-cleanup-sockets loginctl ping which dbus-daemon lowntfs-3g ping6 whiptail dbus-uuidgen ls plymouth ypdomainname dd lsblk plymouth-upstart-bridge zcat df lsmod ps zcmp dir mkdir pwd zdiff dmesg mknod rbash zegrep dnsdomainname mktemp readlink zfgrep domainname more red zforce dumpkeys mount rm zgrep echo mountpoint rmdir zless ed mt rnano zmore efibootmgr mt-gnu running-in-container znew egrep mv run-parts false nano sed nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ cd sh bash: cd: sh: Not a directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ cd sh bash: cd: sh: Not a directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ cd /sh bash: cd: /sh: No such file or directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ pwd /bin nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ ls bash fgconsole nc setfacl bunzip2 fgrep nc.openbsd setfont busybox findmnt netcat setupcon bzcat fuser netstat sh bzcmp fusermount nisdomainname sh.distrib bzdiff getfacl ntfs-3g sleep bzegrep grep ntfs-3g.probe ss bzexe gunzip ntfs-3g.secaudit static-sh bzfgrep gzexe ntfs-3g.usermap stty bzgrep gzip ntfscat su bzip2 hostname ntfsck sync bzip2recover ip ntfscluster tailf bzless kbd_mode ntfscmp tar bzmore keyctl ntfsdump_logfile tempfile cat kill ntfsfix touch chacl kmod ntfsinfo true chgrp less ntfsls udevadm chmod lessecho ntfsmftalloc ulockmgr_server chown lessfile ntfsmove umount chvt lesskey ntfstruncate uname cp lesspipe ntfswipe uncompress cpio ln open unicode_start dash loadkeys openvt vdir date login pidof vmmouse_detect dbus-cleanup-sockets loginctl ping which dbus-daemon lowntfs-3g ping6 whiptail dbus-uuidgen ls plymouth ypdomainname dd lsblk plymouth-upstart-bridge zcat df lsmod ps zcmp dir mkdir pwd zdiff dmesg mknod rbash zegrep dnsdomainname mktemp readlink zfgrep domainname more red zforce dumpkeys mount rm zgrep echo mountpoint rmdir zless ed mt rnano zmore efibootmgr mt-gnu running-in-container znew egrep mv run-parts false nano sed nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ cd .. nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ ls bin dev initrd.img lib64 mnt root srv usr boot etc lib lost+found opt run sys var cdrom home lib32 media proc sbin tmp vmlinuz nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ cd /bin/sh bash: cd: /bin/sh: Not a directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ ./ bash: ./ No such file or directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ ./ -h bash: ./ No such file or directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ cd bin nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ l bash* fgconsole* nc@ setfacl bunzip2* fgrep* nc.openbsd* setfont busybox* findmnt* netcat@ setupcon bzcat* fuser* netstat* sh@ bzcmp@ fusermount* nisdomainname@ sh.distrib@ bzdiff* getfacl* ntfs-3g* sleep bzegrep@ grep* ntfs-3g.probe* ss bzexe* gunzip* ntfs-3g.secaudit* static-sh@ bzfgrep@ gzexe* ntfs-3g.usermap* stty bzgrep* gzip* ntfscat* su bzip2* hostname* ntfsck* sync bzip2recover* ip* ntfscluster* tailf bzless@ kbd_mode* ntfscmp* tar bzmore* keyctl* ntfsdump_logfile* tempfile cat* kill* ntfsfix* touch chacl* kmod* ntfsinfo* true chgrp* less* ntfsls* udevadm chmod* lessecho* ntfsmftalloc* ulockmgr_server chown* lessfile@ ntfsmove* umount chvt* lesskey* ntfstruncate* uname cp* lesspipe* ntfswipe* uncompress cpio* ln* open@ unicode_start dash* loadkeys* openvt* vdir date* login* pidof@ vmmouse_detect dbus-cleanup-sockets* loginctl* ping* which dbus-daemon* lowntfs-3g* ping6* whiptail dbus-uuidgen* ls* plymouth* ypdomainname@ dd* lsblk* plymouth-upstart-bridge* zcat df* lsmod@ ps* zcmp dir* mkdir* pwd* zdiff dmesg* mknod* rbash@ zegrep dnsdomainname@ mktemp* readlink* zfgrep domainname@ more* red* zforce dumpkeys* mount* rm* zgrep echo* mountpoint* rmdir* zless ed* mt@ rnano@ zmore efibootmgr* mt-gnu* running-in-container* znew egrep* mv* run-parts false* nano* sed* nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/bin$ cd .. nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ pwd / nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ ls bin dev initrd.img lib64 mnt root srv usr boot etc lib lost+found opt run sys var cdrom home lib32 media proc sbin tmp vmlinuz nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ cs tmp The program 'cs' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install csound nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/$ cd tmp nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp$ ls ssh-q5UnLLM1Zf7o unity_support_test.0 nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp$ mkdir sh nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp$ pwd /tmp nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp$ ls sh ssh-q5UnLLM1Zf7o unity_support_test.0 nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp$ ./ bash: ./ No such file or directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp$ ./ bash: ./: Is a directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp$ pwd /tmp nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp$ ls sh ssh-q5UnLLM1Zf7o unity_support_test.0 nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp$ cd sh nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp/sh$ pwd /tmp/sh nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp/sh$ ./ bash: ./ No such file or directory nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp/sh$ sudo ./ [sudo] password for nathanael: sudo: ./ command not found nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp/sh$ sudo add-apt-repositary ppa:mystic-mirage/komodo-edit sudo: add-apt-repositary: command not found nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp/sh$ ^C nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp/sh$ ^C nathanael@nathanael-Inspiron-3551:/tmp/sh$

zoelogic commented 9 years ago

@natkre Good to see you are getting started :-)

Your problem is described below: 1.) You download Komodo from the web. This will create a directory with the Komodo application code inside it. When you download the application the installer will ask you where to put this directory. I believe @taono put this in a directory we made called thirdparty. This is where we save third party tools like Komodo.
~/Workspace/Thirdparty or something like the above. This is our style preference, but in reality you can put it wherever you want.
2.) Most importantly, you need to remember where you put the Komodo application directory after you download it because you need to enter that directory and run the command ./ This script will install Komodo for you. But you must be in the root directory of the Komodo app, otherwise, the command ./ script is not there to execute. This is your current problem, you are in /home/nathanael/ and execute ./ but there is not ./ script in that directory. Example solution:

zoelogic commented 9 years ago

@natkre Please reply to people who answer your post questions.