innocenat / supernote-planner

A linked PDF Planner for Supernote A6X system.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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2024 planner #3

Open adityam opened 8 months ago

adityam commented 8 months ago

Would it be possible to release the PDFs for 2024 planner?

Akisame-AI commented 8 months ago

You have timing. I just spend the last 30 minutes or so trying to get this to work. Though I think dotted is broken. Anyway. Here are some files. Enjoy. I did change diary to Goals with "My Goals", "Meetings" and "What I can do better" sections. Planner_monday_dot_200_24_day-2024.pdf Planner_monday_lined_200_12_day-2024.pdf Planner_monday_lined_200_12_night-2024.pdf Planner_monday_lined_200_24_day-2024.pdf

Planner_sunday_dot_200_24_day-2024.pdf Planner_sunday_lined_40_12_day-2024.pdf Planner_sunday_lined_40_12_night-2024.pdf Planner_sunday_lined_40_24_day-2024.pdf Planner_sunday_lined_200_12_night-2024.pdf Planner_sunday_lined_200_24_day-2024.pdf Planner_monday_dot_200_12_day-2024.pdf Planner_monday_dot_200_12_night-2024.pdf

adityam commented 8 months ago

Perfect. Thanks a lot!

Akisame-AI commented 8 months ago

No problem

3mfg commented 8 months ago

When executing php make-planner.php resp. build.php I receive the following error: TCPDF ERROR: Could not include font definition file: merriweatherphp

Any idea why/how to fix? PHP v8.1.27, Composer v2.6.6

Akisame-AI commented 8 months ago

I'm not at my pc right now but iirc there is a folder named fonts. Copy the contents of that into the fonts folder of TCPDF. There is also a bug in the lib/loc.php file. The 3 dots near the end need to be replaced by a single dot.

3mfg commented 8 months ago

Thanks a lot! Copying the files in the font folder of TCPDF solved my problem. I am now able to generate the PDF files : D

In addition I had to activate the gd extension in my php.ini to overcome TCPDF ERROR: TCPDF requires the Imagick or GD extension to handle PNG images with alpha channel.

The operator "..." to allow variable number of arguments in lib/loc.php works fine for me static function _(string $message, mixed ...$arguments): ?string { return self::$bundle->message($message, ...$arguments); }

Akisame-AI commented 8 months ago

Interesting. the "..." operator caused it to crash for me. Might have been my PHP version. Can't check at the moment though.

I would submit a pull request for updated instructions but it seems this project has been abandoned for a while already.

3mfg commented 8 months ago

The project should be kept alive - the planner is great, nicely modular built, great layout also perfect for Boox Nova 7.8". Very few things which one could miss e.g. quarterly task and notes as intermediate level between yearly and monthly view.

For now I have

1. slightly modified the original daily goals section now featuring another 3-grid in function planner_daily_diary_template() of planner-daily-diary.php replacing the daily-log column: . left col: [TODAY'S GOALS; THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR; BEST THINGS THAT HAPPENED TODAY] . right col: [POWER SOURCES; ENERGY THIEVES; TO BE IMPROVED]

2. optimized fontsize used in events.php (-3 pt)

3. reduced margin of cover rectangle (-5px), increased font size of subtile (year) to my taste

4. added a German translation (de.ftl file)

fonts = fonts .font1 = merriweather .font2 = opensans

full-date = {$weekday}, {$date}. {$month} short-date = {$weekday} | {$date}

month = Month .l01 = Januar .l02 = Februar .l03 = März .l04 = April .l05 = Mai .l06 = Juni .l07 = Juli .l08 = August .l09 = September .l10 = Oktober .l11 = November .l12 = Dezember .s01 = Jan .s02 = Feb .s03 = Mär .s04 = Apr .s05 = Mai .s06 = Jun .s07 = Jul .s08 = Aug .s09 = Sep .s10 = Okt .s11 = Nov .s12 = Dez

week = Week {$week} .s = W .number_s = W{$week}

weekday = Weekday .l0 = Sonntag .l1 = Mondag .l2 = Dienstag .l3 = Mittwoch .l4 = Donnerstag .l5 = Freitag .l6 = Samstag .l7 = Sonntag .m0 = So .m1 = Mo .m2 = Di .m3 = Mi .m4 = Do .m5 = Fr .m6 = Sa .m7 = So .s0 = So .s1 = Mo .s2 = Di .s3 = Mi .s4 = Do .s5 = Fr .s6 = Sa .s7 = So

cal = Kalender planner = Planer note = Notizen task = Aufgaben diary = Mein Tag event = Events list = Listen w-task = Diese Woche

my-goals = Meine heutigen Ziele / Fokus daily-grateful = Wofür bin ich heute dankbar? daily-best-things = Was ist heute gut gelaufen? daily-log = Mein Tag daily-energy-powersource = Kraftquellen daily-energy-thieves = Energieräuber daily-improve = Was werde ich zukünftig besser machen?

note-index = Übersicht Notizen list-index = Übersicht Listen event-index = Übersicht Termine

event-date = Datum event-loc = Ort event-remark = Was

paginate = {$page} / {$pages}

Akisame-AI commented 8 months ago

easy enough to add. Maybe make a fork?

3mfg commented 8 months ago

new fork including additional monthly task view:

innocenat commented 8 months ago

I am sorry I didn't comment before but you folks are much faster than me and answering each other so I just let you folks going.

The main reason I haven't do 2024 release is that I have a few layout change in mind but I haven't finished implementing them (I have been very, very busy the past several months trying to finish my Ph.D). I do expect myself to resume working on this in a few weeks.

You are free to keep your own fork, of course, this is open source after all, and I'd be happy to help you if they are anything you need.

Akisame-AI commented 8 months ago

I completely understand. I just finished my own PhD and I am currently on holidays (hence why I don't have access to a computer). Take your time.

3mfg commented 7 months ago

Hi innocenat, great to hear you will further push this magnificent piece of code which also does perfectly fit for the Boox platform (Nova 7"8)

A few ideas if not already on your list ( : . parameter to fexibly define time horizon in daily vies (start - end time) . intelligent scaling of building blocks for larger devices (higher resolutions): keep layout of building blocks but fill with additional lines having ~same distance as for 7" device. You already do this for the task list : ) In "My Day" the third area in the left column will take the complete additional space, wheras the height of the first two remain the same. Would be great to have the same height . add task list for monthly view as a standard . add a quarterly view (task, notes) . adapt fontsize of "Events" to match rest of calendar . possibility to integrate additional (template)pages of an external pdf file which will be propagated after the daily note page; add another small tab icon on the daily top navigation bar to directly display the first template page. Motivational background is to easily integrate personal templates e.g. habbit/mood/health tracker, diary which can be designed in a 3rd party app e.g. InDesign, Words.. . possibility to integrate pages of different pdf template files for daily/monthly/quarterly view including small tab icon (see above) . possibility to integrate additional pages of pdf-file(s) containing static content ("static content templates) e.g. birthday/address list with content maintaned outside - motivation background: have things together in one file . possibility to update "static content templates" after generation and use of planner . add a donate/paypal link so people can direclty support your great work : P

All the best for your PhD!

burntcookie90 commented 7 months ago

I've built this for 2024 with no changes to layout or anything:

innocenat commented 6 months ago


Back to working on this now, and I wonder, what kind of Quarterly view you wanted? I personally don't use quarterly view so I don't know (and is why it wasn't there in the first place)

3mfg commented 5 months ago

@innocenat great to hearyou are back :-)

For the quarterly overview (e.g. Q1=Jan/Feb/March) I thought about having a page with three columns each having n rows for all days of the month separated by lines. At the beginning of each line the day# followed by a letter e.g. 1M (Monday), 2T (Tuesday), 3W (Wednesday).

Leading day# and day character links to the day page. Column header (name of month e.g. "April") links to the month page. Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4 to the respective quarter page.

Could implicated that calender time frame must be set to full quarters..

3mfg commented 5 months ago

@innocenat I am about to switch to a Boox Note Air 3 with 10" display and compile a dedicated calendar for a bigger screen resolution. Did not yet manage to keep the same distance between the lines e.g. in the planner template as for the 7" version. My handwriting will be the same size on 10" as on the smaller screen. So having additional lines is the target.