innoq / iqvoc

iQvoc - A SKOS(-XL) Vocabulary Management System for the Semantic Web
117 stars 44 forks source link doesn't work #356

Closed etcware closed 7 years ago

etcware commented 7 years ago

I would like to get the subtree from a top concept but it doesn't work. It works only from second level concepts. Is an API available to get that subtree? Thanks Alessandra

mjansing commented 7 years ago

Is an API available to get that subtree?

Yes it is. The Hierarchy API is your friend:

You have to use the uri slug for your api request (which is _dbec7ab6 and not artistic_hobbies (

screen shot 2017-02-01 at 08 48 16
@prefix : <>.
@prefix dct: <>.
@prefix foaf: <>.
@prefix iqvoc: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix schema: <>.
@prefix skos: <>.
@prefix void: <>.

:dance a skos:Concept;
       skos:prefLabel "Dance"@en.
:_9a307fd8 a skos:Concept;
           skos:prefLabel "Painting"@en;
           skos:prefLabel "Malerei"@de;
           skos:prefLabel "Peinture"@fr;
           skos:prefLabel "Pintura"@es;
           skos:prefLabel "карти́на"@ru.
:photography a skos:Concept;
             skos:prefLabel "Photography"@en.
:_dbec7ab6 a skos:Concept;
           skos:topConceptOf :scheme;
           skos:prefLabel "Artistic hobbies"@en;
           skos:prefLabel "Künstlerische Hobbies"@de;
           skos:narrower :dance;
           skos:narrower :_9a307fd8;
           skos:narrower :photography.