inocan-group / vue3-google-map

A set of composable components for easy use of Google Maps in your Vue 3 projects.
MIT License
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Marker Cluster :options property not working #150

Closed theDevJudge closed 11 months ago

theDevJudge commented 11 months ago

I cant figure out a way to implement custom marker clusters or somehow design these marker clusters. I have tried to pass the styles through the :options like the code below but to no success. Is there a way to tackle this?

<Script setup>

import { SuperClusterAlgorithm } from "@googlemaps/markerclusterer";

const algorithm = new SuperClusterAlgorithm({
  radius: 120,
  maxZoom: 14,
  log: true,
  generateId: false,
  minPoints: 20,

const renderer = ref({
  render: ({ count, position, bounds }, stats, map) => {
    return new google.maps.Marker({
      icon: {
        url: ``,
        scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(53, 53),
      label: {
        text: String(count),
        color: "red",

        fontSize: "14px",
      zIndex: Number(google.maps.Marker.MAX_ZINDEX) + count,


<MarkerCluster  :options="{renderer, algorithm}">
        v-for="(markerItem, markerIndex) in mapObj.markers"
        @click="showUnitDetails(markerItem, markerIndex)"
theDevJudge commented 11 months ago

Hey guys i got it to work was using the wrong minPoints since it was set to 20 there had to be 20 markers for it to become a cluster change that to minPoints : 2, and the above code should work perfectly fine.