inocan-group / vue3-google-map

A set of composable components for easy use of Google Maps in your Vue 3 projects.
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Struggling to customize cluster icon #254

Open ivan006 opened 1 month ago

ivan006 commented 1 month ago

I struggled for some time but had some key findings thanks to chatgpt

you do something like this

but instead of saying new google.maps.Marker( you write new this.$refs.mapRef.api.Marker( (sorry yes im using options api so convert the reffing logic composition if you need) . But of course you have to make sure you assign that ref to


alternatively you can get api this other way (see and pass it as a param

  <GoogleMap ref="mapRef">
      <template #default="{ api }">
  methods: {
    clusterOptions(api) {
      return {
        renderer: {
          render: ({ count, position }) => new api.Marker({
            icon: this.clusterIcon, // Use custom icon computed above
            label: { text: String(count), color: 'white', fontSize: '12px' },
            zIndex: 999 + count

hope this helps future cluster stylers

ivan006 commented 1 month ago

cant figure out how to set the anchorText though, if anyone can help

tony-nz commented 1 month ago

On the render return, try using the url setting within icon:

icon: {
            "data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8;base64," +
                priority: waypoint.priority,
                height: waypoint.height ? waypoint.height : 50,
                width: waypoint.width ? waypoint.width : 50,
                fill: fillColor.value,
                stroke: strokeColor.value,
          size: new, height),
          // anchor: new, 32),

My generateSvgMarker:

export const generateSvgMarker = (payload: Partial<SVGMarkerSettings>) => {
  const settings: SVGMarkerSettings = {

  return `
  <svg height="${settings["height"]}" width="${settings["width"]}" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 120 120">
      <!-- Original polygon -->
      <polygon points="10,10 110,10 110,80 60,100 10,80" fill="${settings["fill"]}" stroke="${settings["stroke"]}" stroke-width="${settings["strokeWidth"]}" />

    <text x="60" y="55" fill="${settings["textFill"]}" font-family="${settings["fontFamily"]}" font-size="${settings["fontSize"]}" text-anchor="${settings["textAnchor"]}" alignment-baseline="${settings["alignmentBaseline"]}">
EdwinJMataH commented 1 month ago

Hello! I customize the bookmark icon, I don't know if it's really what you were looking for. I share it in the same way, hoping it will be useful to you.

            position: location, 
            icon: {
              url: '',
              scaledSize: {width: 25, height: 25},
              labelOrigin: {x: 16, y: -10}