inocan-group / vue3-google-map

A set of composable components for easy use of Google Maps in your Vue 3 projects.
MIT License
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bounds_changed event called with no parameter passed #59

Closed sinisarudan closed 2 years ago

sinisarudan commented 2 years ago

Here are excerpts from the code:

<GoogleMap @click="mapClicked" @bounds_changed="boundsChanged" @idle="mapIdle" ref="mapRef" maptype="hybrid" api-key="..." style="width: 100%; height: 400px" :center="mapCenter" :zoom="15">
            <Marker v-for="place in PlacesListFiltered" .... @click="markerClicked(place._id as string)" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { GoogleMap, Marker } from "vue3-google-map";

// ....
const mapCenter = ref({ lat: 44.81645887786941, lng: 20.460121035575867 });

const boundsChanged = (e) => {
        //ISSUE: e is undefined!
    console.log(`[boundsChanged] e: ${e}; getBounds: ${(mapRef.value as any).api.getBounds()}`);

const mapClicked = (e) => {
    console.log("mapClicked", e,, e.latLng.lng());


Just to mention that other event, like `mapClicked` are working fine and I get their events and info from them.
Yet also for `idle` event no parameters

# Expectations
I was expecting to get parameters of lat/lng visible window, as with using `getBounds`, through this event.

In addition, I also have an issue with accessing `getBounds()` that should be accessible through the `api`
yet this is `undefined`:
`mapRef.value as any).api.getBounds()}`
the `mapRef.value as any).api` is defined and is exposing different parameters, methods, yet no `getBounds`
I've tried also with  `mapRef.value as any).map.getBounds()`, but no success neither
HusamElbashir commented 2 years ago

Hi @sinisarudan

It doesn't look like the bounds_changed listener callback can receive any arguments:

As for getBounds it should be available as

sinisarudan commented 2 years ago

Thanks @HusamIbrahim for the quick reply. You're right, after checking official docs, I do see that bounds_changed does not receive any argument. Regarding maybe I've mistreated this event to cause me seeing getBounds not working. After cleaning the code, eliminating the event part, etc, this DOES work:

const mapRef = ref(null);
let gMap: google.maps.Map;
let bounds: google.maps.LatLngBounds | undefined;

const boundsChanged = () => {
    if(!gMap) {
        gMap = (mapRef.value as any).map;
        console.log("[boundsChanged] gMap", gMap);
    bounds = gMap.getBounds();
    console.log(`[boundsChanged] bounds : ${bounds}`);

So, I'm closing the issue. Thanks again and sorry for bothering!