inovex / zax

Zabbix frontend for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
66 stars 32 forks source link

Several troubles #58

Open SergeyPV opened 8 years ago

SergeyPV commented 8 years ago

I encountered three main troubles with your software. I have Zabbix 3.0.4 with http authentication.


  1. The first trouble is that I have a none standard HTTP SSL port (446). When I type this URL setting: - your software even doesn’t try to connect to Zabbix server (I don’t see any attempts via tcpdump), but it tries to connect when I enter this address: As your see, in the second case, the path is incorrect.
  2. I use Apache (HTTP) authentication for Zabbix. I enabled you software’s “HTTP authentication” option and typed login with password, but I see only this in the Apache’s log access file: _[22/Aug/2016:13:51:54 +0300] "POST /apijsonrpc.php HTTP/1.1" 401 381 And I don’t see any incorrect attempts to enter login /password in the Apache’s log error file. It means that your program doesn’t try to use this authentication.
  3. It’s very difficult to change server settings. When I’d deleted incorrect server settings, which I described before, I saw that your software still was trying to use them for connection. Only clearing of the software cache via Android’s “Application manager” helped to stop it.
SergeyPV commented 8 years ago

The third case is most annoying. I just reinstalled software and added server settings (URL). I don't see any attempts to connect for an hour. It's terrible. I couldn't have connecting of the software stopped yesterday and I can't force it to start connecting now. I'm scanning attempts via tcpdump and I don't see any.

P.S. When I didn't have a HTTP authentication and used standard for SSL 443 tcp port, everything worked like a charm.

SergeyPV commented 8 years ago

Deleted this software. It was (and it is) impossible to use it with all these troubles.

seefood commented 7 years ago

I have a feeling this is no longer read or maintained, but just for completeness: I have a Zabbix 3.0 server, on the standard port 433, no special path URI, or http auth before the interface, and it doesn't seem to connect at all. if I add /yoyo to the URL it looks the same. no error, no connection, this is dead in the water and doesn't even seem like a 3.0 problem, it may have simply stopped working altogether for newer Android verions or something?

removed and very disappointed.