A purpose of this group is to support newcomers.
Multiple alternatives are available, but we can't support each.
We must consider tradeoffs and affected stakeholders.
[ ] describe stakeholders
[ ] personas and
[ ] stories.
[ ] values.
[ ] Review the list of plutus-starter alternatives (see below) and rank them on the order of who will be getting support first.
A purpose of this group is to support newcomers. Multiple alternatives are available, but we can't support each. We must consider tradeoffs and affected stakeholders.
What are the alternatives to plutus-starter?
how do we measure impact and efficiency? Time to market, time to productive,
How do we rank and prioritize work packages to maintain such resources?
What do we value? https://github.com/input-output-hk/Developer-Experience-working-group/issues/75
Originally posted by @aleeusgr in https://github.com/input-output-hk/Developer-Experience-working-group/issues/72#issuecomment-1750101729