As a user, I want the option to restore a different account, so that I can restore the right account if the account details are not what I expect after successful recovery
Change button text from "Back" to "Restore a different keychain" on the "keychain recovered successfully!" screen
Clear all prior inputs when user returns to "restore your catalyst keychain with your 12 security words" screen
GIVEN a user has successfully restored keychain using 12 words
WHEN click 'restore a different keychain'
THEN return user to empty 12-words input screen
restore a different account
As a user, I want the option to restore a different account, so that I can restore the right account if the account details are not what I expect after successful recovery
GIVEN a user has successfully restored keychain using 12 words WHEN click 'restore a different keychain' THEN return user to empty 12-words input screen