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Merkle roots don't have fixed size in the `block_range_root` table #1668

Closed jpraynaud closed 2 months ago

jpraynaud commented 2 months ago


We have noticed that some Merkle root created are longer for some entries when they should all be of the same size.

This happens on the e2e test:

sqlite> .mode markdown
sqlite> select * from block_range_root;
| start | end |                                                           merkle_root                                                            |
| 120   | 135 | 32336661393966316665386361663461663061633262616434643338336166363061623333613236656164343566396662366130663663333532663534396537 |
| 150   | 165 | 39336131373131616161343830613934393966313535313566666538353066633262633138633436363939366331623661353961316663663234346130333034 |
| 240   | 255 | 26da7d062fd6ec6260372773989265599e7a023c3b31d4099b6bb380b594280e                                                                 |
| 300   | 315 | 7a969f75c78a6c22572f8a7c42bdc18b8a94b64563c6144e02c050148a10bbf0                                                                 |
| 345   | 360 | f7b4e7fe4fe71ac944a2eecdb9cf9fc17bc9deca6aa1351536bf79728e886049                                                                 |


Investigate and fix the source of the longer Merkle roots


Alenar commented 2 months ago

Investigation results

The larger merkle root correspond to block ranges that contains only one transaction. In that case the root of the merkle tree correspond to the value of its unique leaf (aka a MKTreeNode). Since the conversion of a CardanoTransaction to a MKTreeNode use simply the hash of the transaction that means that the resulting merkle root is equal the hash of it's unique transaction.

When there's more than one leaf in a tree a merge is applied to compute the root. This merge is done using Blake hash, returning a fixed size string, size that happen to be smaller than the one of a transaction hash, explaining what we see.

Affected entries on mainnet

As of today on mainnet we have ~680k block ranges root computed from ~90M transactions.

$ select count(*) from block_range_root;
$ select count(*) from cardano_tx;

On those block ranges root only ~13k are affected, 1.95% of the total.

$ select count(*) from block_range_root where length(merkle_root) > 64;

The highest recorded start block number is 10 304 925 while the latest occurrence start block number is 491 077. This means that all occurrences are on the start on the chain, so it's extremely unlikely that it will occurs again in future blocks.

$ select max(start) from block_range_root;
$ select max(start) from block_range_root where length(merkle_root) > 64;

Potential fix

When converting a CardanoTransaction to a MKTreeNode we could apply to the transaction hash the same Blake hash as used when merging node. But this would means doing a hash computation at least twice (one for each transaction, one for the merge) only to get consistent merkle root length in db.

Side note: we choose to use vector of byte for the MKTreeNode. This is what allow variable length and this case to happen. If we later find that having a fixed size is something that we want to enforce we should modify the MKTreeNode to use a fixed size array instead.

Follow up

As fixing this would result in at least doubling the number of hash computation for little gain and the occurrences are confined to the start of the chain, we choose to not do anything and leaving the code as is.