input-output-hk / nami

Nami Wallet is a browser based wallet extension to interact with the Cardano blockchain. Support requests:
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[BUG] Valid transaction rejected by `signTx` with error code `-1` #827

Open michele-nuzzi opened 1 year ago

michele-nuzzi commented 1 year ago

below the cbor of the transaction


The error message thrown by nami.signTx is:

    "code": -1,
    "info": "Inputs do not conform to this spec or are otherwise invalid."

pasting the above transaction in is clear that the inputs (entry 0 of the transaction body) are valid (according to the cardano-ledger cddl:

82                                # array(2)
   82                             # array(2)
      58 20                       # bytes(32)
         5EBB7FD41693CA030241D4B26F7FEB31CA6760F1884170C416D912B20D425765 # "^\xBB\u007F\xD4\u0016\x93\xCA\u0003\u0002AԲo\u007F\xEB1\xCAg`\xF1\x88Ap\xC4\u0016\xD9\u0012\xB2\rBWe"
      01                          # unsigned(1)
   82                             # array(2)
      58 20                       # bytes(32)
         F445815A4829226F388C85FBC276AD3E6E362CFA5926B5A7C1C2A9E40871927C # "\xF4E\x81ZH)\"o8\x8C\x85\xFB\xC2v\xAD>n6,\xFAY&\xB5\xA7\xC1©\xE4\bq\x92|"
      01                          # unsigned(1)
yHSJ commented 11 months ago

Hey @michele-nuzzi!

I am exploring the Nami dead issues and trying to resolve at least some of them. While I assume that this is no longer an issue for you, I wanted to clarify what was happening here for you, and others who may have similar questions.

This behavior is the expected behavior, as specified in CIP-30.

I cannot be 100% sure what happened in this case, because I do not have all the information about the inputs being consumed in this transaction and what keys you were attempting to sign with. However, according to CIP-30, the wallet is expected to throw a TxSignError if partialSign is not true and the wallet cannot provide a signature for all required keys.

While I don't know the specifics of what key was signing, looking at the transaction I can see that there was a required signer. I am assuming that was different from the signer needed to consume the inputs. Therefore, the TxSignError should've been thrown, according to the specification.

The "Inputs" word in the error message is a bit complicated, since it is not referring to transaction inputs, but instead the arguments passed to the function call. That error message also comes from CIP-30, which could be improved but this is not the place.

Hopefully, that clears up confusion!