input-output-hk / plutus-pioneer-program

This repository hosts the lectures of the Plutus Pioneers Program. This program is a training course that the IOG Education Team provides to recruit and train software developers in Plutus, the native smart contract language for the Cardano ecosystem.
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Week01 compilation errors #48

Closed juxtin closed 3 years ago

juxtin commented 3 years ago

I'm getting a number of compilation errors after pasting the contents of this file into my local playground instance. I was able to build the week01 directory locally using cabal within nix-shell, but no such luck in the playground. Any help would be much appreciated.

Compilation Error, Line 162, Column 59 (jump)
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘PlutusTx.Data’
                  with actual type ‘BuiltinData’
    • In the first argument of ‘PlutusTx.fromData’, namely ‘d’
      In the expression: PlutusTx.fromData d
      In the expression:
        case PlutusTx.fromData d of
          Just ad' -> (o, ad')
          Nothing -> traceError "error decoding data"
162 |                 Just (Datum d) ->  case PlutusTx.fromData d of
    |                                                           ^
Compilation Error, Line 272, Column 25 (jump)
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘BuiltinData’
                  with actual type ‘PlutusTx.Data’
    • In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
        ‘PlutusTx.toData $ MkBid b’
      In the expression: Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData $ MkBid b
      In an equation for ‘r’: r = Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData $ MkBid b
272 |         r  = Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData $ MkBid b
    |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 276, Column 47 (jump)
    • Couldn't match type ‘TxOutTx’ with ‘ChainIndexTxOut’
      Expected type: Map TxOutRef ChainIndexTxOut
        Actual type: Map TxOutRef TxOutTx
    • In the first argument of ‘Constraints.unspentOutputs’, namely
        ‘(Map.singleton oref o)’
      In the second argument of ‘(<>)’, namely
        ‘Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o)’
      In the second argument of ‘(<>)’, namely
        ‘otherScript auctionValidator
           <> Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o)’
276 |                   Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o)
    |                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 299, Column 29 (jump)
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘BuiltinData’
                  with actual type ‘PlutusTx.Data’
    • In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘PlutusTx.toData Close’
      In the expression: Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData Close
      In an equation for ‘r’: r = Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData Close
299 |         r      = Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData Close
    |                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 304, Column 47 (jump)
    • Couldn't match type ‘TxOutTx’ with ‘ChainIndexTxOut’
      Expected type: Map TxOutRef ChainIndexTxOut
        Actual type: Map TxOutRef TxOutTx
    • In the first argument of ‘Constraints.unspentOutputs’, namely
        ‘(Map.singleton oref o)’
      In the second argument of ‘(<>)’, namely
        ‘Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o)’
      In the second argument of ‘(<>)’, namely
        ‘otherScript auctionValidator
           <> Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o)’
304 |                   Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o)
    |                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 322, Column 14 (jump)
    • Variable not in scope:
        utxoAt :: Address -> Contract w s Text (Map TxOutRef TxOutTx)
    • Perhaps you meant ‘utxosAt’ (imported from Plutus.Contract)
322 |     utxos <- utxoAt $ scriptAddress auctionValidator
    |              ^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 340, Column 13 (jump)
    • Couldn't match type ‘Promise w3 s3 e1’
                     with ‘Contract () AuctionSchema Text’
      Expected type: Contract () AuctionSchema Text ()
        Actual type: Promise w3 s3 e1 ()
    • In the expression:
        (start' `select` bid' `select` close') >> endpoints
      In an equation for ‘endpoints’:
            = (start' `select` bid' `select` close') >> endpoints
                start' = endpoint @"start" >>= start
                bid' = endpoint @"bid" >>= bid
                close' = endpoint @"close" >>= close
340 | endpoints = (start' `select` bid' `select` close') >> endpoints
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 340, Column 14 (jump)
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Promise w3 s3 e1 a0’
                  with actual type ‘Contract w0 s0 e0 ()’
    • In the first argument of ‘select’, namely ‘start'’
      In the first argument of ‘select’, namely ‘start' `select` bid'’
      In the first argument of ‘(>>)’, namely
        ‘(start' `select` bid' `select` close')’
340 | endpoints = (start' `select` bid' `select` close') >> endpoints
    |              ^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 340, Column 30 (jump)
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Promise w3 s3 e1 a0’
                  with actual type ‘Contract w1 s1 Text ()’
    • In the second argument of ‘select’, namely ‘bid'’
      In the first argument of ‘select’, namely ‘start' `select` bid'’
      In the first argument of ‘(>>)’, namely
        ‘(start' `select` bid' `select` close')’
340 | endpoints = (start' `select` bid' `select` close') >> endpoints
    |                              ^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 340, Column 44 (jump)
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Promise w3 s3 e1 a0’
                  with actual type ‘Contract w2 s2 Text ()’
    • In the second argument of ‘select’, namely ‘close'’
      In the first argument of ‘(>>)’, namely
        ‘(start' `select` bid' `select` close')’
      In the expression:
        (start' `select` bid' `select` close') >> endpoints
340 | endpoints = (start' `select` bid' `select` close') >> endpoints
    |                                            ^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 340, Column 55 (jump)
    • Couldn't match type ‘Contract () AuctionSchema Text’
                     with ‘Promise w3 s3 e1’
      Expected type: Promise w3 s3 e1 ()
        Actual type: Contract () AuctionSchema Text ()
    • In the second argument of ‘(>>)’, namely ‘endpoints’
      In the expression:
        (start' `select` bid' `select` close') >> endpoints
      In an equation for ‘endpoints’:
            = (start' `select` bid' `select` close') >> endpoints
                start' = endpoint @"start" >>= start
                bid' = endpoint @"bid" >>= bid
                close' = endpoint @"close" >>= close
340 | endpoints = (start' `select` bid' `select` close') >> endpoints
    |                                                       ^^^^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 342, Column 14 (jump)
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Contract w s e StartParams’
                  with actual type ‘(a3 -> Contract w6 s6 e4 b2)
                                    -> Promise w6 s6 e4 b2’
    • Probable cause: ‘endpoint’ is applied to too few arguments
      In the first argument of ‘(>>=)’, namely ‘endpoint @"start"’
      In the expression: endpoint @"start" >>= start
      In an equation for ‘start'’: start' = endpoint @"start" >>= start
    • Relevant bindings include
        start' :: Contract w s e ()
          (bound at /private/tmp/web-ghc-work-3f1fa098d9ec0bee/Main.hs:342:5)
342 |     start' = endpoint @"start" >>= start
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 343, Column 14 (jump)
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Contract w s Text BidParams’
                  with actual type ‘(a2 -> Contract w5 s5 e3 b1)
                                    -> Promise w5 s5 e3 b1’
    • Probable cause: ‘endpoint’ is applied to too few arguments
      In the first argument of ‘(>>=)’, namely ‘endpoint @"bid"’
      In the expression: endpoint @"bid" >>= bid
      In an equation for ‘bid'’: bid' = endpoint @"bid" >>= bid
    • Relevant bindings include
        bid' :: Contract w s Text ()
          (bound at /private/tmp/web-ghc-work-3f1fa098d9ec0bee/Main.hs:343:5)
343 |     bid'   = endpoint @"bid"   >>= bid
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compilation Error, Line 344, Column 14 (jump)
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Contract w s Text CloseParams’
                  with actual type ‘(a1 -> Contract w4 s4 e2 b0)
                                    -> Promise w4 s4 e2 b0’
    • Probable cause: ‘endpoint’ is applied to too few arguments
      In the first argument of ‘(>>=)’, namely ‘endpoint @"close"’
      In the expression: endpoint @"close" >>= close
      In an equation for ‘close'’: close' = endpoint @"close" >>= close
    • Relevant bindings include
        close' :: Contract w s Text ()
          (bound at /private/tmp/web-ghc-work-3f1fa098d9ec0bee/Main.hs:344:5)
344 |     close' = endpoint @"close" >>= close
    |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
juxtin commented 3 years ago

A few more details:

juxtin commented 3 years ago

In all likelihood this is because I failed to check out the correct commit in plutus. I should have used this instead of master.