When you want to generate a private key to access a directory protected with META_auth.txt, you need to use a key generated with the page : "/maggot/access"
To generate the key, the field says: ‘at least 6 characters’.
But it doesn't seem to work for keys of less than 8 characters.
It would be interesting to have a validation field for the key generation format.
Like a quick check at the front with a javascript regex.
Note: I haven't tested punctuation, space or special characters. (whether they are allowed or not)
If you can do this, and correct the field validation, it will avoid generating the key, protecting a directory and seeing that it doesn't work.
Hello Maggot Team,
When you want to generate a private key to access a directory protected with META_auth.txt, you need to use a key generated with the page : "/maggot/access"
To generate the key, the field says: ‘at least 6 characters’.
But it doesn't seem to work for keys of less than 8 characters.
It would be interesting to have a validation field for the key generation format. Like a quick check at the front with a javascript regex.
Note: I haven't tested punctuation, space or special characters. (whether they are allowed or not)
If you can do this, and correct the field validation, it will avoid generating the key, protecting a directory and seeing that it doesn't work.
I hope this helps. Regards