inrupt / solid-react-components

Reusable components for Solid React applications
MIT License
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Please review bundle size #15

Closed jairo-campos-JD closed 5 years ago

megoth commented 5 years ago

A note on this: This is hard hit when checking with Lighthouse.

We might want to make Lighthouse an integral part of our setup. Any thoughts on this?

megoth commented 5 years ago

We might also want to automate performance values that Lighthouse gives us with services such as

justinwb commented 5 years ago

Great suggestions. I agree it makes sense to include lighthouse audits as part of the dev flow and surface issues as they get identified.

I wonder if is something we recommend as a best practice once they build out the rest of their app (post-generation), or if we really benefit from it above and beyond lighthouse tests in the generator output?

james-martin-jd commented 5 years ago

This ticket was opened because we discovered that the package size for the library was much larger than we thought it should be. Upon some investigation there's two root causes: the first is that the favicon is using a large svg file instead of a small icon. The second is that the js map file is very large, so we need to check out why that would be the case and optimize it.

mrkvon commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your effort on this.

I'm building a solid react app, and the bundle has 3.4 M, out of which a major part is @inrupt/solid-react-components, @solid/query-ldflex, @solid/react and rdflib. And the application just took me 30 seconds to load with suboptimal internet connection. The first-time users will likely be discouraged by this. (On subsequent loads the bundle is cached, so things are fast...)

Why are these packages so large? Can they be further reduced, or split so we can use only the needed parts?

I believe a long loading time can be a single point of failure of solid react apps using these packages.

The app is still an early proof of concept. Expect bugs and unfriendly ui.

edit: this is the actual bundle size overview, derived with source-map-explorer.
