insanum / gcalcli

Google Calendar Command Line Interface
MIT License
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App 'gcalcli' is blocked - The out-of-band (OOB) flow has been blocked #674

Closed bittorf closed 5 months ago

bittorf commented 5 months ago

It worked some days, but not anymore - maybe it's just me:

user@box:~$ gcalcli --version
gcalcli v4.3.0 (Eric Davis, Brian Hartvigsen, Joshua Crowgey)

user@box:~$ gcalcli list
 Access  Title
 ------  -----

bastian@NAS:~$ gcalcli --noauth_local_webserver agenda

Go to the following link in your browser:

when accessing this link I get:

Error 400: invalid_request
The out-of-band (OOB) flow has been blocked in order to keep users secure. Follow the Out-of-Band (OOB) flow migration guide linked in the developer docs below to migrate your app to an alternative method.
Details: redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob 

It says: "This app is blocked This app has tried to access confidential data in your Google account. We have blocked access to protect your account."


ErikKnowles commented 5 months ago

It's not just you. I've been reauthorizing the app for a long time now, but today I'm seeing the same symptoms.

MatHoffman commented 5 months ago

same here, not just you :)

bombermuecke commented 5 months ago

gcalclierr I get this with "--noauth_local_webserver". Worked until last week.

rcbellN51 commented 5 months ago

Had this problem for the past two days as well but seems to have resolved itself with a large (~700 pkg) update on FreeBSD 13.2. I don't think gcalcli itself was updated so may be an issue with some other dependency.

Or, maybe it's coincidence, and it was resolved on Google's end.

ErikKnowles commented 5 months ago

Had this problem for the past two days as well but seems to have resolved itself with a large (~700 pkg) update on FreeBSD 13.2. I don't think gcalcli itself was updated so may be an issue with some other dependency.

Or, maybe it's coincidence, and it was resolved on Google's end.

My gcalcli's on a system that hasn't been updated in years (hey, it's a firewalled internal-use only computer so don't judge!), so a breaking system update's definitely not the problem. That said, I'm back in business too! Must have been a Google problem.

Thanks for the update.

rcbellN51 commented 5 months ago

Likely broken (and fixed?) on Google's end then.

For the record I use "gcalcli --client-secret=XXXXX agenda" to authenticate once a week since forever. Part of my troubleshooting efforts yesterday was to rename .gcalcli_cache and .gcalcli_oauth to .gcalcli_cache.bak and .gcalcli_oauth.bak in my home directory.

After the update today i just tried using "gcalcli --noauth_local_webserver agenda" with the same error from the past 2 days resulting. Then I remembered I'd renamed those files, renamed them back to .gcalcli_cache and .gcalcli_oauth and did my normal reauth step of "gcalcli --client-secret=XXXXX agenda", and it worked (for the next week or so anyway).

bombermuecke commented 5 months ago

idk the reason, but it's working again.

bittorf commented 5 months ago

I can confirm, that it works again (for me too)
On my side i had to perform these steps:


cd ~
mv .gcalcli_cache .gcalcli_cache.backup
mv .gcalcli_oauth .gcalcli_oauth.backup
gcalcli "--client-id=$ID" "--client-secret=$KEY" --noauth_local_webserver agenda

Thanks a lot to all of you, happy gcalcli'ing!