Closed vii33 closed 2 years ago
Hi, I noticed that the scrollbar is horizontally jumping when switching betwen the reading view and live view:
This is due the following code (lines 343ff):
.cm-s-obsidian, .markdown-preview-view { /* padding-left: 10px !important; */ padding-right: 10px !important; }
Not sure why this is needed. I changed to value to 0px and the behaviour is as expected: scrollbar stays on the right side of the editor.
There was a reason at some point this code was there. No longer needed after all the internal layout changes recently to Obsidian. I've removed this chunk of code as you suggested. Thanks!
Hi, I noticed that the scrollbar is horizontally jumping when switching betwen the reading view and live view:
This is due the following code (lines 343ff):
Not sure why this is needed. I changed to value to
and the behaviour is as expected: scrollbar stays on the right side of the editor.