insarlab / MintPy

Miami InSAR time-series software in Python
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Javascript Error failed to load model class 'MPLCanvasModel' from module 'jupyter-matplotlib' #1012

Open ClementGold opened 1 year ago

ClementGold commented 1 year ago

Description of the problem

Dear All,

MintPY work as well in my computer but when I wanted to put the displacement time series or the view now it's showing nothing...

I have ipywidgets, ipympl

Before I was able to plot all the figure but for the time series not able to move the cursor of the time, I installed ipympl and now it's showing nothing unless the javascript error

Full script that generated the error

%matplotlib widget
tsview.main([f'{work_dir}/timeseries.h5']) /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/efs/underwriters/CLEMENT/DockerMINTPY/JACKARTA2020_2021/mintpy/timeseries.h5
open timeseries file: timeseries.h5
No lookup table (longitude or rangeCoord) found in files.
data   coverage in y/x: (0, 0, 762, 734)
subset coverage in y/x: (0, 0, 762, 734)
data   coverage in lat/lon: (679120.0, 9351600.0, 740080.0, 9292880.0)
subset coverage in lat/lon: (679120.0, 9351600.0, 740080.0, 9292880.0)
estimate deformation model with the following assumed time functions:
    polynomial : 1
    periodic   : []
    stepDate   : []
    exp        : {}
    log        : {}
reading timeseries from file /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/efs/underwriters/CLEMENT/DockerMINTPY/JACKARTA2020_2021/mintpy/timeseries.h5
reference to date: 20200606
read mask from file: maskTempCoh.h5
data    range: [-48.146526, 38.036682] cm
display range: [-15.890517, 17.67339] cm
create figure for map in size of [6.8, 6.0]
display data in transparency: 1.0
plot in geo-coordinate
plotting image ...
plot scale bar: [0.2, 0.2, 0.1]
plot reference point
create figure for point in size of [8.0, 4.5]
showing ...

To scroll through the image sequence:
1) Move the slider, OR
2) Press left or right arrow key (if not responding, click the image and try again).

Full error message

Failed to load model class 'MPLCanvasModel' from module 'jupyter-matplotlib'
asyncFunctionResume@[native code]
@[native code]
promiseReactionJobWithoutPromise@[native code]
promiseReactionJob@[native code]

System information

I have mintpy 1.5.1

Best regards, Clément

yunjunz commented 1 year ago

Testing at openSARLab shows a similar error for in jupyter lab as well.

%matplotlib widget
import os
from mintpy.cli import tsview

work_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/data/test/FernandinaSenDT128/mintpy')
print('Go to directory:', work_dir)

tsview.main('timeseries.h5 --yx 220 300 --figsize 9 3 --ref-date 20141225'.split())

The error message is as below:

Go to directory: /home/jovyan/data/test/FernandinaSenDT128/mintpy timeseries.h5 --yx 220 300 --figsize 9 3 --ref-date 20141225
open timeseries file: timeseries.h5
data   coverage in y/x: (0, 0, 600, 450)
subset coverage in y/x: (0, 0, 600, 450)
data   coverage in lat/lon: None
subset coverage in lat/lon: None
DESCENDING orbit -> flip left-right
estimate deformation model with the following assumed time functions:
    polynomial : 1
    periodic   : []
    stepDate   : []
    polyline   : []
    exp        : {}
    log        : {}
reading timeseries from file timeseries.h5
reference to date: 20141225
read mask from file: maskTempCoh.h5
data    range: [-7.4682674, 6.854181] cm
display range: [-3.8803086, 5.781048] cm
create figure for map in size of [8.7, 6.0]
display data in transparency: 1.0
plotting in Y/X coordinate ...
plotting Data ...
plot reference point
plot points of interest
flip figure left and right
create figure for point in size of [9.0, 3.0]

Y/X = 220, 300, lat/lon = -0.37178, -91.53018
[-1.45, 0.0, -0.29, -0.15, -0.65, 2.14, 0.85, 1.33, 1.5, 0.96, 1.29, -0.19, 0.61, 0.07, 0.7, 1.22, 1.4, 0.89, 1.51, 0.75, -0.9, 1.71, 1.77, 1.53, 2.39, 2.4, 1.45, 2.15, 3.79, 4.34, 4.13, 4.21, 4.54, 3.99, 5.01, 5.27]
time-series range: [-1.45, 5.27] cm
time function parameters:
    intercept: -1.13 +/-  0.36 cm
    velocity :  3.59 +/-  0.41 cm/year
showing ...

To scroll through the image sequence:
1) Move the slider, OR
2) Press left or right arrow key (if not responding, click the image and try again).
Error displaying widget: model not found
Error displaying widget: model not found

The same testing on my laptop works well. I don't know the cause yet.