insarlab / MintPy

Miami InSAR time-series software in Python
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FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '' (*.slc.full from isce2 is missing) #1096

Closed gjustin40 closed 9 months ago

gjustin40 commented 9 months ago

I used ISCE2 to create an interferogram stack for use in Miaplpy. When i run factory.txt

miaplpy.load.processor      = isce  #[isce,snap,gamma,roipac], auto for isceTops
miaplpy.load.updateMode     = auto  #[yes / no], auto for yes, skip re-loading if HDF5 files are complete
miaplpy.load.compression    = auto  #[gzip / lzf / no], auto for no.
miaplpy.load.autoPath       = yes    # [yes, no] auto for no
##---------Coregistered SLC images:        
miaplpy.load.slcFile        = ../merged/SLC/*/*.slc.full  #[path2slc_file]
##---------for ISCE only:
miaplpy.load.metaFile       = ../reference/IW*.xml
miaplpy.load.baselineDir    = ../baselines
##---------geometry datasets:
miaplpy.load.demFile          = ../merged/geom_reference/hgt.rdr.full
miaplpy.load.lookupYFile      = ../merged/geom_reference/lat.rdr.full
miaplpy.load.lookupXFile      = ../merged/geom_reference/lon.rdr.full
miaplpy.load.incAngleFile     = ../merged/geom_reference/los.rdr.full
miaplpy.load.azAngleFile      = ../merged/geom_reference/los.rdr.full
miaplpy.load.shadowMaskFile   = ../merged/geom_reference/shadowMask.rdr.full
miaplpy.load.waterMaskFile    = None
##---------interferogram datasets:
miaplpy.load.unwFile        = ./inverted/interferograms_single_reference/*/*fine*.unw
miaplpy.load.corFile        = ./inverted/interferograms_single_reference/*/*fine*.cor
miaplpy.load.connCompFile   = ./inverted/interferograms_single_reference/*/*.unw.conncomp

##---------subset (optional):
## if both yx and lalo are specified, use lalo option unless a) no lookup file AND b) dataset is in radar coord
# miaplpy.subset.lalo         = -0.199:-0.142,-78.612:-78.578

# MiaplPy options
miaplpy.compute.numCores   = 8
miaplpy.interferograms.type = single_reference

## Mintpy options
mintpy.compute.cluster     = local  # if dask is not available, set this option to no
mintpy.compute.numWorker   = 8

And the errors are below

    miaplpy.load.compression: no --> no
    miaplpy.load.autoPath: no --> no
SAR platform/sensor : None
processor: isce
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/miaplpy/bin/miaplpyApp", line 8, in <module>
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/miaplpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/miaplpy/", line 82, in main
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/miaplpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/miaplpy/", line 170, in open
    self.date_list, self.num_pixels, self.metadata = read_initial_info(self.workDir, self.templateFile)
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/miaplpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/miaplpy/objects/", line 1223, in read_initial_info
    iDict = read_inps2dict(inps_loadSlc)
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/miaplpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/miaplpy/objects/", line 1295, in read_inps2dict
    shutil.copytree(reference_dir, out_reference)
  File "/root/miniconda3/envs/miaplpy/lib/python3.11/", line 559, in copytree
    with os.scandir(src) as itr:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

I've tried setting the path to an absolute path, but I'm still getting the same error.

When I tried the Pichincha volcano example provided by Miaplpy, it ran without any issues. However, when I tried it with the results generated by isce2, I encountered this error.

In my opinion, the error is occurring because the file *.slc.full does not exist in the results I generated with isce2.

The list of files used in Miaplpy appears as follows: (This is the example data of PichinchaSenDT142 in Miaplpy) image

However, the files I generated using ISCE2 do not include *.slc.full files. image

The command I used in isce2 is as follows: -s SLC/ -d DEM/*.dem.wgs84 -a AuxDir/ -o Orbits/ -b "{bbox}" -c 2

How can I generate the *.slc.full files?

welcome[bot] commented 9 months ago

👋 Thanks for opening your first issue here! Please filled out the template with as much details as possible. We appreciate that you took the time to contribute! Make sure you read our contributing guidelines.