insarlab / MintPy

Miami InSAR time-series software in Python
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error in prep_gmtsar : not reading *prm files #1194

Closed soroushyasini closed 1 month ago

soroushyasini commented 1 month ago

hi, i used GMTSAR 6.4 as my processor for 21 Envisat descending images which generated 36 interfrograms. i also write a .csh code to make baseline.txt for each interferogram folder by two existing *.PRM files. i do believe my interferogram stack is ok, but when running mintpy main code i've the following error :

UN-at-2024-05-12 16:55:16.768619-- Current directory: /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms/2003095_2003270 Run routine processing with on steps: ['load_data', 'modify_network', 'reference_point', 'quick_overview', 'correct_unwrap_error', 'invert_network', 'correct_LOD', 'correct_SET', 'correct_ionosphere', 'correct_troposphere', 'deramp', 'correct_topography', 'residual_RMS', 'reference_date', 'velocity', 'geocode', 'google_earth', 'hdfeos5'] Remaining steps: ['modify_network', 'reference_point', 'quick_overview', 'correct_unwrap_error', 'invert_network', 'correct_LOD', 'correct_SET', 'correct_ionosphere', 'correct_troposphere', 'deramp', 'correct_topography', 'residual_RMS', 'reference_date', 'velocity', 'geocode', 'google_earth', 'hdfeos5']

Project name: glb_GMT_dsc Go to work directory: /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms/2003095_2003270 copy default template file /home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/defaults/smallbaselineApp.cfg to work directory read custom template file: /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms/2003095_2003270/glb_GMT_dsc.txt update default template based on input custom template mintpy.load.processor: auto --> gmtsar mintpy.load.unwFile: auto --> /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms//unwrap_ll.grd mintpy.load.corFile: auto --> /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms//corr_ll.grd mintpy.load.demFile: auto --> /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/topo/topo_ll.grd copy glb_GMT_dsc.txt to inputs directory for backup. copy smallbaselineApp.cfg to inputs directory for backup. copy glb_GMT_dsc.txt to pic directory for backup. copy smallbaselineApp.cfg to pic directory for backup. read default template file: /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms/2003095_2003270/smallbaselineApp.cfg step - load_data --template /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms/2003095_2003270/smallbaselineApp.cfg /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms/2003095_2003270/glb_GMT_dsc.txt --project glb_GMT_dsc processor : gmtsar SAR platform/sensor : unknown from project name "glb_GMT_dsc" prepare metadata files for gmtsar products /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms/2003095_2003270/glb_GMT_dsc.txt /home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/ UserWarning: failed. Assuming its result exists and continue... warnings.warn(' failed. Assuming its result exists and continue...') updateMode : True compression: None multilook x/ystep: 1/1 multilook method : nearest /home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/osgeo/ FutureWarning: Neither gdal.UseExceptions() nor gdal.DontUseExceptions() has been explicitly called. In GDAL 4.0, exceptions will be enabled by default. warnings.warn( searching geometry files info input data files: height : /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/topo/topo_ll.grd

create HDF5 file /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms/2003095_2003270/inputs/geometryGeo.h5 with w mode create dataset /height of <class 'numpy.float32'> in size of (2300, 2020) with compression = lzf geocoded input, use constant value from metadata INCIDENCE_ANGLE prepare slantRangeDistance ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/bin/", line 10, in sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/cli/", line 209, in main run_smallbaselineApp(inps) File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/", line 1155, in run_smallbaselineApp File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/", line 908, in run self.run_load_data(sname) File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/", line 176, in run_load_data mintpy.cli.load_data.main(iargs) File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/cli/", line 123, in main load_data(inps) File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/", line 840, in load_data geom_geo_obj.write2hdf5( File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/objects/", line 794, in write2hdf5 f.attrs[key] = value

  File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 104, in __setitem__
    self.create(name, data=value)
  File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 182, in create
    htype = h5t.py_create(original_dtype, logical=True)
  File "h5py/h5t.pyx", line 1663, in h5py.h5t.py_create
  File "h5py/h5t.pyx", line 1687, in h5py.h5t.py_create
  File "h5py/h5t.pyx", line 1747, in h5py.h5t.py_create
TypeError: Object dtype dtype('O') has no native HDF5 equivalent

### I also ran for getting more info and here is the result : glb_GMT_dsc.txt 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/bin/", line 10, in <module>
  File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/cli/", line 57, in main
  File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/", line 265, in prep_gmtsar
    meta = extract_gmtsar_metadata(
  File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/", line 119, in extract_gmtsar_metadata
    prm_file = get_prm_files(ifg_dir)[0]
  File "/home/gmt6/miniconda3/envs/mintpy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mintpy/", line 27, in get_prm_files
    raise FileExistsError('NO two *.prm files found!')
FileExistsError: NO two *.prm files found!


### here is my config file (load data part) template : 

1. load_data
-##---------add attributes manually
-## MintPy requires attributes listed at:
-## Missing attributes can be added below manually (uncomment #), e.g.
HEADING         = -168.0   
-# ...
-## a. autoPath - automatic path pattern defined in mintpy.defaults.auto_path.AUTO_PATH_*
-## b. -H to check more details and example inputs.
-# c. compression to save disk usage for ifgramStack.h5 file:
-## no   - save   0% disk usage, fast [default]
-## lzf  - save ~57% disk usage, relative slow
-## gzip - save ~62% disk usage, very slow [not recommend]
mintpy.load.processor       = gmtsar  #[isce, aria, hyp3, gmtsar, snap, gamma, roipac, nisar], auto for isce
mintpy.load.autoPath        = auto  #[yes / no], auto for no, use pre-defined auto path
mintpy.load.updateMode      = auto  #[yes / no], auto for yes, skip re-loading if HDF5 files are complete
mintpy.load.compression     = auto  #[gzip / lzf / no], auto for no.

-##---------interferogram stack:
mintpy.load.unwFile         = /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms/*/unwrap_ll.grd
mintpy.load.corFile         = /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/interferograms/*/corr_ll.grd
mintpy.load.connCompFile    = auto  #[path pattern of connected components    files], optional but recommended
mintpy.load.intFile         = auto #[path pattern of wrapped interferogram   files], optional
mintpy.load.magFile         = auto  #[path pattern of interferogram magnitude files], optional
-##---------ionosphere stack (optional):
-##---------offset stack (optional):
mintpy.load.azOffFile       = auto  #[path pattern of azimuth offset file]
mintpy.load.rgOffFile       = auto  #[path pattern of range   offset file]
mintpy.load.azOffStdFile    = auto  #[path pattern of azimuth offset variance file], optional but recommended
mintpy.load.rgOffStdFile    = auto  #[path pattern of range   offset variance file], optional but recommended
mintpy.load.offSnrFile      = auto  #[path pattern of offset signal-to-noise ratio file], optional
mintpy.load.demFile         = /media/gmt6/HDD/SAR_procs/golbahar/glb_GMT_dsc/topo/topo_ll.grd
mintpy.load.lookupYFile     = auto  #[path of latitude /row   /y coordinate file], not required for geocoded data
mintpy.load.lookupXFile     = auto  #[path of longitude/column/x coordinate file], not required for geocoded data
mintpy.load.incAngleFile    = auto  #[path of incidence angle file], optional but recommended
mintpy.load.azAngleFile     = auto  #[path of azimuth   angle file], optional
mintpy.load.shadowMaskFile  = auto  #[path of shadow mask file], optional but recommended
mintpy.load.waterMaskFile   = auto  #[path of water  mask file], optional but recommended
mintpy.load.bperpFile       = auto  #[path pattern of 2D perpendicular baseline file], optional
-##---------subset (optional):
-## if both yx and lalo are specified, use lalo option unless a) no lookup file AND b) dataset is in radar coord
mintpy.subset.yx            = auto    #[y0:y1,x0:x1 / no], auto for no
mintpy.subset.lalo          = auto    #[S:N,W:E / no], auto for no
mintpy.multilook.method     = auto    #[nearest, mean, median], auto for nearest - lines/rows skipping approach
mintpy.multilook.ystep      = auto    #[int >= 1], auto for 1 - no multilooking
mintpy.multilook.xstep      = auto    #[int >= 1], auto for 1 - no multilooking`

### and finally, here is my main file structure :

├── baseline.csh
├── baseline_table.dat
├── glb_GMT_dsc.txt
├── gmt.history
├── inputs
├── interferograms
├── pic
├── raw
├── SLC
├── smallbaselineApp.cfg
└── topo

and here is interferogram folder :
├── 2003270_2003340
├── 2003270_2004045
├── 2003340_2004045
├── 2003340_2004115
├── 2004045_2004115
├── 2004045_2004220

### and here is inside of one of them :

├── amp1.grd
├── amp2.grd
├── amp.grd
├── ASA_IMS_1PNESA20030405_061630_000000182015_00163_05728_0000.LED -> ../../SLC/ASA_IMS_1PNESA20030405_061630_000000182015_00163_05728_0000.LED
├── ASA_IMS_1PNESA20030405_061630_000000182015_00163_05728_0000.PRM
├── ASA_IMS_1PNESA20030405_061630_000000182015_00163_05728_0000.SLC -> ../../SLC/ASA_IMS_1PNESA20030405_061630_000000182015_00163_05728_0000.SLC
├── ASA_IMS_1PNESA20030927_061640_000000182020_00163_08233_0000.LED -> ../../SLC/ASA_IMS_1PNESA20030927_061640_000000182020_00163_08233_0000.LED
├── ASA_IMS_1PNESA20030927_061640_000000182020_00163_08233_0000.PRM
├── ASA_IMS_1PNESA20030927_061640_000000182020_00163_08233_0000.SLC -> ../../SLC/ASA_IMS_1PNESA20030927_061640_000000182020_00163_08233_0000.SLC
├── baseline.txt
├── conncomp.grd
├── corr.cpt
├── corr.grd
├── corr_ll.grd
├── corr_ll.kml
├── corr_ll.png
├── corr.pdf
├── display_amp.cpt
├── display_amp.grd
├── display_amp_ll.grd
├── display_amp_ll.kml
├── display_amp_ll.png
├── display_amp.pdf
├── filtcorr.grd
├── gauss_200
├── glb_GMT_dsc.txt
├── gmt.conf
├── gmt.history
├── ijdec
├── imagfilt.grd
├── landmask_ra.grd -> ../../topo/landmask_ra.grd
├── landmask_ra_patch.grd
├── los.cpt
├── los_grad.grd
├── los.grd
├── los_ll.grd
├── los_ll.kml
├── los_ll.png
├── los.pdf
├── mask2.grd
├── mask2_patch.grd
├── mask3.grd
├── mask.grd
├── phase.cpt
├── phasefilt.grd
├── phasefilt_ll.grd
├── phasefilt_mask.grd
├── phasefilt_mask_ll.grd
├── phasefilt_mask_ll.kml
├── phasefilt_mask_ll.png
├── phasefilt_mask.pdf
├── phasefilt.pdf
├── phase.grd
├── phase_mask.grd
├── phase_mask_ll.grd
├── phase_mask_ll.kml
├── phase_mask_ll.png
├── phase_mask.pdf
├── phase_patch.grd -> phasefilt.grd
├── phase.pdf
├── raln.grd
├── ralt.grd
├── realfilt.grd
├── topo_ra.grd -> ../../topo/topo_ra.grd
├── trans.dat -> ../../topo/trans.dat
├── unwrap.cpt
├── unwrap.grd
├── unwrap_ll.grd
├── unwrap_mask.grd
├── unwrap_mask_ll.grd
├── unwrap_mask_ll.kml
├── unwrap_mask_ll.png
├── unwrap_mask.pdf
└── unwrap.pdf 

as you can see two *.PRM files exist in each of interferogram folder ( in fact they are link files to SLC folder orginal *PRM) files.

any opinion ?
welcome[bot] commented 1 month ago

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