insarlab / MintPy

Miami InSAR time-series software in Python
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ASF HyP3 Support #540

Closed forrestfwilliams closed 2 years ago

forrestfwilliams commented 3 years ago

The ASF HyP3 on-demand InSAR service is great option for creating interferograms, but MintPy is not currently set up to ingest these products. I propose creating a workflow that would allow for the ingestion of these products. I'm happy to perform this work, but could use guidance on preparing metadata.

yunjunz commented 3 years ago

Hi ASF team (@cirrusasf, @talogan, @asjohnston-asf, et al.), it seems like the "Heading" attribute in the example dataset that @cirrusasf put here: is not right: For Sentinel-1 descending track, it should be around -168, while the *.txt file shows 193.0934889.

Update: my miscalculation, the value is right and normal (with 360 in difference). Please ignore my above msg.

asjohnston-asf commented 3 years ago

FYI only, I created a sample data set for HyP3 using the same 98 S1 acquisitions (288 interferograms) as the Fernandina volcano data set for ARIA:

cd galapagos hyp3.cfg

Not intended to be hosted there long-term, but I've made it available for now in case anyone wants to look at a HyP3 time series for a familiar data set.

yunjunz commented 2 years ago

Close this issue as all the proposed changes are completed! Kudos to all!

forrestfwilliams commented 2 years ago

Happy to see this completed!

jhkennedy commented 2 years ago


@yunjunz do you have plans for a release soon since a lot of this (and a lot more!) is main but not yet released? With a release we can get everything in the conda-forge install as well.

yunjunz commented 2 years ago

@jhkennedy yes, a release is planned for next month, for the exact reason you said.

There are a few things on the to-do list before that:

XJQiao commented 2 years ago

Hi guys,

I am trying to play with Mintpy and Hyp3 on Google Colab these days.

I am using "! mintpy/RidgecrestSenDT71.txt", but got stuck at the step of "modify network" (as shown in the end). Any hints on this issue?


Best, Jun

******************** step - modify_network ********************
WARNING: "coherence" is missing in file /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/inputs/ifgramStack.h5
Input data seems to be geocoded. Lookup file not needed.
generate /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/waterMask.h5 from /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/inputs/geometryGeo.h5 for conveniency
create HDF5 file: /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/waterMask.h5 with w mode
create dataset /waterMask of bool       in size of (1125, 1500)         with compression=None
finished writing to /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/waterMask.h5 /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/inputs/ifgramStack.h5 -t /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/smallbaselineApp.cfg
No lookup table info range/lat found in files.
read options from template file: smallbaselineApp.cfg
No input option found to remove interferogram
Keep all interferograms by enable --reset option
reset dataset 'dropIfgram' to True for all interferograms for file: /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/inputs/ifgramStack.h5
All dropIfgram are already True, no need to reset. /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/inputs/ifgramStack.h5 -t /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/smallbaselineApp.cfg --nodisplay -d coherence -v 0.2 1.0
read options from template file: smallbaselineApp.cfg
read temporal/spatial baseline info from file: /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/inputs/ifgramStack.h5
calculating spatial mean of coherence in file /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/inputs/ifgramStack.h5 ...
read mask from file: waterMask.h5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/", line 8, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/", line 1270, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/", line 1038, in run
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/", line 434, in run_network_modification
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/", line 245, in main
    inps = read_network_info(inps)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/", line 167, in read_network_info
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/utils/", line 256, in spatial_average
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/objects/", line 794, in spatial_average
    dset = f[datasetName]
  File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 288, in __getitem__
    oid =, self._e(name), lapl=self._lapl)
  File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "h5py/h5o.pyx", line 190, in
KeyError: "Unable to open object (object 'coherence' doesn't exist)"
forrestfwilliams commented 2 years ago

It looks like your ifgramStack.h5 may have failed to load correctly and you don't have the required coherence dataset. Could you run inputs/ifgramStack.h5 and paste the output here?

XJQiao commented 2 years ago

@forrestfwilliams Appreciated you!

After I rerun the code once again this morning, the bug was gone. I guess I passed a wrong path of input files, leading to no output file of ifgramStack.

Then, I encountered the next issue (attached in the end). I will look into this later, which seems due to no output file of avgPhaseVelocity.h5.

Have a nice day!

Best, Jun

******************** step - quick_overview ********************
Input data seems to be geocoded. Lookup file not needed. /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/inputs/ifgramStack.h5 --dataset unwrapPhase -o /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/avgPhaseVelocity.h5 --update
output file: /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/avgPhaseVelocity.h5
update mode: ON
1) output file /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/avgPhaseVelocity.h5 NOT exist.
run or skip: run.
calculate the temporal average of unwrapPhase in file /content/RidgecrestSenDT71/inputs/ifgramStack.h5 ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/", line 8, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/", line 1270, in main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/", line 1044, in run
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/", line 497, in run_quick_overview
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/", line 102, in main
    ut.temporal_average(inps.file, datasetName=inps.datasetName, outFile=inps.outfile)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/utils/", line 355, in temporal_average
    dataMean = ifgramStack(File).temporal_average(datasetName=datasetName)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mintpy/objects/", line 933, in temporal_average
    ref_val = dset[ifgram_flag, self.refY, self.refX]
  File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 777, in __getitem__
    selection =, args, dataset=self)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 82, in select
    return selector.make_selection(args)
  File "h5py/_selector.pyx", line 272, in h5py._selector.Selector.make_selection
  File "h5py/_selector.pyx", line 183, in h5py._selector.Selector.apply_args
TypeError: Indexing arrays must have integer dtypes