inseokr / MERN_linkedspace

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Backend - crash problem - access_chat_db #158

Closed inseokr closed 4 years ago

inseokr commented 4 years ago

userDbHandler.getUserById is not a function [0] at C:\webdev\mern\MERN_linkedspace\src\server\db_utilities\chatting_db\access_chat_db.js:77:20

inseokr commented 4 years ago

It's happening randomly.... so far I can't find any clue.

inseokr commented 4 years ago

This is very mysterious... the very same function is called fine in other module.

inseokr commented 4 years ago

Interesting problem.... access_user_db ==> chatting_server chatting_server ==> access_chat_db access_chat_db ==> access_user_db

Cross referencing may have caused this... but not clear explanation yet. I just moved a function in the access_user_db to chatting_server.