insidegui / WWDC

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Titles in share pop-up have wrong colors #692

Closed casperriboe closed 3 months ago

casperriboe commented 1 year ago

Before opening your issue, please make sure you answer YES to all of the questions below.

If you answered YES to all of the questions, please provide as much information as possible about your issue.


When running the app using the Light system appearance, the share pop-up has dark titles instead of light titles. However when the system appearance is Dark, the titles are correctly light as they should. It looks like they aren't hardcoded like the background is, and instead follow the system style.

Steps to reproduce


allenhumphreys commented 1 year ago

We'll probably want to wait a bit on the beta issues. Menus were rebuilt using AppKit in Sonoma, there's bound to be issues that get resolved during the beta process! Could you close this issue until the RCs become available at least?

casperriboe commented 1 year ago

We'll probably want to wait a bit on the beta issues. Menus were rebuilt using AppKit in Sonoma, there's bound to be issues that get resolved during the beta process! Could you close this issue until the RCs become available at least?

I wasn't actually aware of those AppKit changes, that's nice to know. I just checked my other OS and this also happen in Ventura 13.4.

allenhumphreys commented 1 year ago

This seems to be related to dark/light mode. I did a little looking, we're using the system sharing picker, nothing special. We do override the app's appearance to be dark. It seems the font in the sharing menu is not honoring the appearance while the background is. Whether there is anything we can do about it would require setting up a blank Mac app and minimally reproduce it. If the bug exists in a standard app, I'd say the only option would be to file a feedback. If it doesn't reproduce in a basic app, then more digging would be required.

The relevant code starts at and it invokes the system share sheet which has a delegate

Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 11 02 21 AM
allenhumphreys commented 1 year ago

Gonna leave this here, not sure if we'll do it, but I was able to hack the pop over window to override it's appearance with reasonable results:

NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: NSApplication.willUpdateNotification).sink { note in
    guard let windows = (note.object as? NSApplication)?.windows else { return }
    windows.filter { window in
        guard let popOverClass = NSClassFromString("_NSPopoverWindow") else { return false }
        guard let shareSheetViewControllerClass = NSClassFromString("SHKShareSheetRemoteViewController") else { return false }
        return window.isKind(of: popOverClass) && window.contentViewController?.isKind(of: shareSheetViewControllerClass) == true
    .forEach {
        $0.appearance = NSAppearance(named: .darkAqua)
}.store(in: &self.cancellables)
insidegui commented 1 year ago

@allenhumphreys I set up a blank project and was able to reproduce the issue, so it's definitely feedback-worthy. The contents of the sharing popover are rendered out-of-process, so there's probably some weird AppKit/ViewBridge bug that's causing the app's appearance propagation to fail.

I tried a few alternatives to your solution, including subclassing NSApplication and overriding effectiveAppearance, but that didn't work either.

insidegui commented 1 year ago

Here's another potential solution that covers all popovers in the app (since we definitely want all poppers to inherit the dark appearance):

@objcMembers final class DarkPopover: NSWindow {
    static var darkAppearance: NSAppearance? { NSAppearance(named: .darkAqua) }

    static func install() {
        guard let target = NSClassFromString("_NSPopoverWindow") else { return }
        guard let original = class_getInstanceMethod(target, #selector(getter: NSWindow.appearance)) else { return }
        guard let replacement = class_getClassMethod(DarkPopover.self, #selector(getter: DarkPopover.darkAppearance)) else { return }

        method_exchangeImplementations(original, replacement)
insidegui commented 3 months ago

Closing this as it's been fixed by Apple.