insideone / pagywosg

Tool for "Play a game you won on SG" events. All progress of these events is being tracked here
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Clearing Cloudflare cache #12

Open MouseWithBeer opened 5 years ago

MouseWithBeer commented 5 years ago

An option to clear the Cloudflare cache (we all know the problems it caused) via their API to save 5 seconds of time and a couple of clicks to go to the website instead.

insideone commented 5 years ago

Do you want to do it by yourself or I can assign the issue?   The best way is to add a command to src/Command and call it in composer.json/scripts/up like doctrine:schema:update.

Since we don't need to clear cache in dev environment, command should do a dry run if API key isn't provided via .env.local You can pass API key to command in such way: config/services.yaml:67

            - method: setApiKey
                  $apiKey: '%env(CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY)%'
MouseWithBeer commented 5 years ago

@insideone You know more than me about it so you can do it if you wish. Just shoot me a message on Steam if you want and I will give you all the info you need.