Open aletharel opened 3 months ago
@aletharel, I do not think the test is correct because you created the job earlier than the sink was created. It starts waiting and retrying, thus you can get a prolonged execution.
@bwsw, I tried to update the test and start replay job after sink creation. Now the code is as follows:
def test_stop_condition_realtime_delta(self, job_config, stream_id):
# Read configuration > stop condition > realtime delta from job config
realtime_delta = job_config.get("stop_condition", {}).get("real_time_delta_ms", {}).get(
"configured_delta_ms", 0) * 1000000
if not realtime_delta:
pytest.skip("Job stop condition is expected to be a realtime delta")
end_timestamp = 0
# Create sink
sink_runner = (SinkBuilder()
# Start Replay job
keyframe = rest_api.find_keyframe(stream_id)
resulting_stream_id = "{0}_result".format(stream_id)
job_id = rest_api.new_job(job_config, keyframe, stream_id, resulting_stream_id)
start_timestamp = time.monotonic_ns()
for result in sink_runner:
end_timestamp = time.monotonic_ns()
job_status = rest_api.get_job_status(job_id)
job_lifetime = end_timestamp - start_timestamp
assert (
job_status == rest_api.JobStatus.STOPPED
and realtime_delta <= job_lifetime < realtime_delta + 1000000000
And the job lifetime is still 5 seconds greater than expected
There is a test that checks job stop condition by real time delta. Here is the config fragment with realtime delta set to 30 seconds:
The test remembers start_timestamp, then receives all frames and remembers end_timestamp like this:
There is no way that end_timestamp is affected by sink timeout since we take the last timestamp from within the loop. The difference (end_timestamp - start_timestamp) is about 5 seconds, so the test fails:
I am not sure if this is a bug or just an admissible error.