insightsengineering / formatters

A framework for creating listings of raw data that include specialized formatting, headers, footers, referential footnotes, and pagination.
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export_as_rtf lost indent #222

Closed lchensigma closed 7 months ago

lchensigma commented 10 months ago


when use export_as_rtf to output rtf with rtables, indents was lost.

# your reproducible example here

R session info

# R -e "utils::sessionInfo()" output goes here

OS / Environment

shajoezhu commented 9 months ago

hi @lchensigma , can you provide us with a reproducible example? Thanks!

lchensigma commented 9 months ago

here is the code. Thank you. Also the export_as_pdf only produce the empty PDF file if code is in RMarkDown.


adsl <- synthetic_cdisc_dataset("latest", "adsl")
advs <- synthetic_cdisc_dataset("latest", "advs")
adsub <- synthetic_cdisc_dataset("latest", "adsub")

# Ensure character variables are converted to factors and empty strings and NAs are explicit missing levels.
adsl <- df_explicit_na(adsl)
advs <- df_explicit_na(advs)
adsub <- df_explicit_na(adsub)

# Change description in variable SEX.
adsl <- adsl %>%
    SEX = factor(case_when(
      SEX == "M" ~ "Male",
      SEX == "F" ~ "Female",
      SEX == "U" ~ "Unknown",
      SEX == "UNDIFFERENTIATED" ~ "Undifferentiated"
    AGEGR1 = factor(
        between(AGE, 18, 40) ~ "18-40",
        between(AGE, 41, 64) ~ "41-64",
        AGE > 64 ~ ">=65"
      levels = c("18-40", "41-64", ">=65")
    BMRKR1_CAT = factor(
        BMRKR1 < 3.5 ~ "LOW",
        BMRKR1 >= 3.5 & BMRKR1 < 10 ~ "MEDIUM",
        BMRKR1 >= 10 ~ "HIGH"
      levels = c("LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH")
  ) %>%
    BMRKR1_CAT = "Biomarker 1 Categories"
# The developer needs to do pre-processing to add necessary variables based on ADVS to analysis dataset.
# Obtain SBP, DBP and weight.
get_param_advs <- function(pname, plabel) {
  ds <- advs %>%
    filter(PARAM == plabel & AVISIT == "BASELINE") %>%
    select(USUBJID, AVAL)

  colnames(ds) <- c("USUBJID", pname)

# The developer needs to do pre-processing to add necessary variables based on ADSUB to analysis dataset.
# Obtain baseline BMI (BBMISI).
get_param_adsub <- function(pname, plabel) {
  ds <- adsub %>%
    filter(PARAM == plabel) %>%
    select(USUBJID, AVAL)

  colnames(ds) <- c("USUBJID", pname)

adsl <- adsl %>%
  left_join(get_param_advs("SBP", "Systolic Blood Pressure"), by = "USUBJID") %>%
  left_join(get_param_advs("DBP", "Diastolic Blood Pressure"), by = "USUBJID") %>%
  left_join(get_param_advs("WGT", "Weight"), by = "USUBJID") %>%
  left_join(get_param_adsub("BBMISI", "Baseline BMI"), by = "USUBJID")

vars <- c("AGE", "AGEGR1", "SEX", "ETHNIC", "RACE", "BMRKR1")
var_labels <- c(
  "Age (yr)",
  "Age Group",
  "Continous Level Biomarker 1"

result <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
  split_cols_by(var = "ACTARM") %>%
  add_overall_col("All Patients") %>%
    vars = vars,
    var_labels = var_labels
  ) %>%


export_as_rtf(result, file="test.rtf", landscape = TRUE)
export_as_pdf(result%>% prune_table() , file="test.pdf", landscape = TRUE)
Melkiades commented 7 months ago

If I check the result of export_as_rtf from your example indentation is still present Screenshot 2024-01-18 145059

lchensigma commented 7 months ago

Thank you. I think it was fixed now.