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Should cdisc parent datasets have parents? #29

Open cicdguy opened 3 years ago

cicdguy commented 3 years ago

Do we need to limit the cdisc to only let datasets either have or be parents not both - or we need to change the getparent function to have an optional arg for getting all parents up the DAG otherwise cases like x has parent y has parent z and we filter on z in the filter panel and then use say only x in the cross table, the show r code will not give the same answer as it won't include the z filter


Creator: burkoffn
cicdguy commented 3 years ago

If the filter panel does not work properly with long ancestry:

  1. fix the filter panel or
  2. limit the ancestry

Can we fix the filter panel easily?


Creator: kpagacz
nikolas-burkoff commented 2 years ago

Let's not allow parents to have parents as we don't have user use cases which require this