insightsengineering / teal.modules.clinical

Provides teal modules for the standard clinical trials outputs
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Diagnostic plot in module `tm_a_mmrm` does not appear for `Adjustment Method` #1152

Open kartikeyakirar opened 2 months ago

kartikeyakirar commented 2 months ago

The adjustment method "Kenward-Roger-Linear" does not exist, and an error has occurred.

'arg' should be one of "Satterthwaite", "Kenward-Roger", "Residual", "Between-Within" 
 when evaluating qenv code:
fit <- tern.mmrm::fit_mmrm(vars = list(response = "AVAL", covariates = NULL, id = "USUBJID", arm = "ARM", visit = "AVISIT"), data = anl, conf_level = 0.95, method = "Kenward-Roger-Linear", cor_struct = "unstructured", weights_emmeans = "proportional", parallel = TRUE)