insightsengineering / teal.slice

Reproducible slice module for teal applications
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335 bring `teal_slice` and `teal_slices` to package INDEX #565

Closed m7pr closed 4 months ago

m7pr commented 4 months ago

Proposition on how to solve #335

If this is acceptable, I will do the same for teal_slices

index documentation
github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago


Code Coverage Summary

Filename                        Stmts    Miss  Cover    Missing
----------------------------  -------  ------  -------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R/calls_combine_by.R                7       0  100.00%
R/choices_labeled.R                49      14  71.43%   25, 36, 41, 51-56, 68, 72-76
R/count_labels.R                   97       0  100.00%
R/filter_panel_api.R               29       1  96.55%   132
R/FilteredData-utils.R             68      25  63.24%   21-24, 27-30, 52-57, 153, 175-184
R/FilteredData.R                  562     227  59.61%   110, 184, 326, 398, 501-510, 533, 554-595, 613-616, 632, 673-706, 721-723, 727-733, 762-790, 813-815, 819-821, 824-838, 842-852, 855-898, 939, 962-984
R/FilteredDataset-utils.R          23       1  95.65%   125
R/FilteredDataset.R               170      61  64.12%   52, 152, 191, 216-273, 312-314
R/FilteredDatasetDataframe.R      121       8  93.39%   87, 148, 158, 234-238
R/FilteredDatasetDefault.R         18       4  77.78%   103-116
R/FilteredDatasetMAE.R            134      37  72.39%   56, 117-122, 161-166, 170-171, 189-211
R/FilterPanelAPI.R                 10       0  100.00%
R/FilterState-utils.R             101       2  98.02%   264, 294
R/FilterState.R                   361      61  83.10%   89, 212, 230-234, 241-242, 256-257, 263-264, 311, 313, 315, 367, 411, 639, 682-705, 715-734, 769-775, 784-790
R/FilterStateChoices.R            341     108  68.33%   310-313, 325, 367, 389-396, 400-417, 445, 458-469, 481-489, 493-522, 543-546, 549-552, 563-586, 597, 602, 613
R/FilterStateDate.R               212     129  39.15%   227, 279-436
R/FilterStateDatettime.R          309     199  35.60%   266, 318-549
R/FilterStateEmpty.R               53      31  41.51%   89, 99-104, 117, 129-169
R/FilterStateExpr.R                75      62  17.33%   149-272
R/FilterStateLogical.R            196     144  26.53%   136, 158, 218, 222-406
R/FilterStateRange.R              408     105  74.26%   262, 384, 510-514, 517-527, 530, 542-548, 559-571, 575-585, 589-591, 605-632, 647, 650, 664-681, 716-721, 731-733
R/FilterStates-utils.R             70       9  87.14%   108, 127, 188-194, 216, 245
R/FilterStates.R                  364      30  91.76%   78-82, 191, 314-323, 411-414, 457, 542-546, 591, 712-715
R/FilterStatesDF.R                  5       0  100.00%
R/FilterStatesMAE.R                10       1  90.00%   40
R/FilterStatesMatrix.R              3       0  100.00%
R/FilterStatesSE.R                211     157  25.59%   36, 71-73, 83-85, 109-116, 124-131, 154-302
R/include_css_js.R                  5       5  0.00%    12-16
R/teal_slice.R                    107       4  96.26%   165, 217-218, 228
R/teal_slices.R                    84       5  94.05%   170-175
R/test_utils.R                     21       0  100.00%
R/utils.R                          18       0  100.00%
R/variable_types.R                 15       8  46.67%   44-51
R/zzz.R                            16      16  0.00%    3-46
TOTAL                            4273    1454  65.97%

Diff against main

Filename      Stmts    Miss  Cover
----------  -------  ------  --------
TOTAL             0       0  +100.00%

Results for commit: 083d0c72ff674237edff3307422a05e93aaf0831

Minimum allowed coverage is 80%

:recycle: This comment has been updated with latest results

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

Unit Tests Summary

  1 files   29 suites   22s :stopwatch: 359 tests 359 :white_check_mark: 0 :zzz: 0 :x: 824 runs  824 :white_check_mark: 0 :zzz: 0 :x:

Results for commit 083d0c72.

:recycle: This comment has been updated with latest results.

m7pr commented 4 months ago

Hey @chlebowa proceeded with teal_slices and added comments above @usage section with the motivation for it. Also added a comment in function's definitions to remember to update the @usage is parameters are edited.

m7pr commented 4 months ago

Will also need to move @param documentation from format.teal_slices to teal_slices and fix R CMD CHECKS.

chlebowa commented 4 months ago

Did you forget to push your changes?

m7pr commented 4 months ago

I think I pushed them, but on wrong branch (334_teal_slice_index@main instead of 335_teal_slice_index@main). Will push here.

m7pr commented 4 months ago

Should be visible on this branch. Sorry!

PS. I will also delete 334_teal_slice_index@main.

m7pr commented 4 months ago

Yes, saw those warnings. Will google for the solution. Maybe they need to have their separate documentation pages anyway (not exposed in INDEX). Or we need to add aliases to teal_slice for is.teal_slice and as.teal_slice so that when someone runs ?is.teal_slice the teal_slice page is opened. I'll try with aliases.

m7pr commented 4 months ago

Please place the @usage section between @details and @params

I moved it between @description and @params. Description comes before the usage, then we have Usage and after that you see Arguments in the documentation page.

chlebowa commented 4 months ago

I tied my hand at removing those warnings and I was only able to remove one. I hope you will find a way.

m7pr commented 4 months ago

I added @aliases and updated @usage section for S3 methods based on this thread

m7pr commented 4 months ago

Lastly, need to figure out [.teal_slices method entry for a custom @usage and we're good to go.

m7pr commented 4 months ago

OK, this was a bumpy ride, but I figured this out.

Seeing no warnings locally during R CMD CHECK

   Status: OK

── R CMD check results ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── teal.slice ────
Duration: 2m 11.8s

0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 0 notes ✔

R CMD check succeeded

This should be enough to get merged. Pretty cool learning exercise about custom @usage section.

m7pr commented 4 months ago


m7pr commented 4 months ago

There was unnecessary extra \ in \\methods. Removed it, thanks for double checking.

image image
m7pr commented 4 months ago

But now I do see as.teal_slice(s) and is.teal_slice(s) in package index. So this needs a bit more investigation.

chlebowa commented 4 months ago

But now I do see as.teal_slice(s) and is.teal_slice(s) in package index. So this needs a bit more investigation.

So are all the methods :frowning_face:

m7pr commented 4 months ago

So adding @aliases like

#' @aliases is.teal_slices as.teal_slices as.list.teal_slices format.teal_slices print.teal_slices c.teal_slices [.teal_slices

list those functions as topics in package index.

But if you do not have those as @aliases, then R CMD CHECK throws:

W  checking for missing documentation entries (1.3s)
   Undocumented code objects:
     'as.teal_slices' 'is.teal_slices'
   All user-level objects in a package should have documentation entries.
   See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in the 'Writing R
   Extensions' manual.
✔  checking for code/documentation mismatches (3.1s)
W  checking Rd \usage sections (854ms)
   Objects in \usage without \alias in documentation object 'teal_slices':
     'is.teal_slices' 'as.teal_slices' 'as.list.teal_slices'
     '[.teal_slices' 'c.teal_slices' 'format.teal_slices'

   Functions with \usage entries need to have the appropriate \alias
   entries, and all their arguments documented.
   The \usage entries must correspond to syntactically valid R code.
   See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in the 'Writing R
   Extensions' manual.

A dead end.

chlebowa commented 4 months ago

Maybe there is a way to edit ~/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.3/teal.slice/html/00Index.html directly?

m7pr commented 4 months ago

@chlebowa I tired with the INDEX file The index.html probably gets created during package installation. Not a part of the source doe.

chlebowa commented 4 months ago

Probably, yeah. But INDEX is all right:

~/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.3/teal.slice:$ more INDEX
FilterPanelAPI          Class to encapsulate the API of the filter
                        panel of a teal app
filter_state_api        Managing 'FilteredData' states
get_filter_expr         Gets filter expression for multiple 'datanames'
                        taking into account its order.
init_filtered_data      Initialize 'FilteredData'
teal_slice              Specify single filter
teal_slices             Complete filter specification
m7pr commented 4 months ago

So I figured this INDEX file does not have any influence on anything : P

m7pr commented 4 months ago

I've got 2 more ideas. Will experiment with @noRd / @rdname tags, nor no tags for utility functions WITH removed @aliases tag.

m7pr commented 4 months ago

My final idea was to (for each utility function) create a small documentation page

#' @title `is.teal_slices`
#' @description Utility function for [`teal_slices`] object.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal

that is not listed in package index (thanks to @keywords internal).

If user hits ?teal_slices (s)he will see an overview of teal_slices with a custom @usage. Is (s)he hits ?is.teal_slices (s)he will have a change to get redirected directly to ?teal_slices.


However R CMD CHECK throws a warning about missing aliases for teal_slices

W  checking Rd \usage sections (854ms)
   Objects in \usage without \alias in documentation object 'teal_slices':
     'is.teal_slices' 'as.teal_slices' 'as.list.teal_slices'
     '[.teal_slices' 'c.teal_slices' 'format.teal_slices'
m7pr commented 4 months ago

I think I will need to take a break from this. Or we end up with a proposition from where we have utility functions documented on a separate page, but they are linked from ?teal_slices in the description part.