insightsengineering / teal

Exploratory Web Apps for Analyzing Clinical Trial Data
168 stars 33 forks source link

Bookmarking info #1184

Closed gogonzo closed 3 months ago

gogonzo commented 3 months ago

Implement teal_bookmarable

Try the app ```r options(teal.log_level = "TRACE", teal.show_js_log = TRUE) # set bookmarking option to a "link" pkgload::load_all("teal") pkgload::load_all("teal.modules.general") # shiny::shinyOptions("bookmarkStore" = "url") nest_logo <- "" data <- teal_data() data <- within(data, { IRIS <- iris MTCARS <- mtcars }) app <- init( data = data, filter = teal_slices( teal_slice(dataname = "IRIS", varname = "Species", multiple = FALSE) ), modules = modules( modules( label = "nested in a tab", example_module(), teal.modules.general::tm_data_table(), teal.modules.general::tm_variable_browser() ) ) ) shinyApp(app$ui, app$server) ```
