insightsengineering / teal

Exploratory Web Apps for Analyzing Clinical Trial Data
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479 add `renv::snapshot()` for `.lockfile` with `future` + `shiny::ExtendedTask` #1232

Closed m7pr closed 2 weeks ago

m7pr commented 1 month ago

Fixes Alternative for

This PR includes new imports

Tested with

# pass your own .lockfile
# options(teal.renv.lockfile = "session.lock")

# allow to create the .lockfile based on DESCRIPTION file
# renv::settings$snapshot.type("explicit")

app <- init(
  data = teal_data(iris = iris),
  modules = example_module(label = "example teal module")
if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)
m7pr commented 1 month ago

Created a small video during which the lockfile creation took 21 seconds, but during this time it was possible to work with the app.

✔ Created lockfile 'session.lock' [21.5s]

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Unit Tests Summary

  1 files   30 suites   5m 20s :stopwatch: 241 tests 241 :white_check_mark: 0 :zzz: 0 :x: 507 runs  507 :white_check_mark: 0 :zzz: 0 :x:

Results for commit 560a1ff2.

:recycle: This comment has been updated with latest results.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Unit Test Performance Difference

Test Suite $Status$ Time on main $±Time$ $±Tests$ $±Skipped$ $±Failures$ $±Errors$
utils 💔 $0.35$ $+63.29$ $+2$ $0$ $0$ $0$
Additional test case details | Test Suite | $Status$ | Time on `main` | $±Time$ | Test Case | |:-----|:----:|:----:|:----:|:-----| | utils | 👶 | | $+63.31$ | create_renv_lockfile_creates_a_lock_file_during_the_execution |

Results for commit 2d8be64408804b95c37b32137eb492daed88acfb

♻️ This comment has been updated with latest results.

m7pr commented 1 month ago

some tests fail for shiny::testServer() so I think we can reuse the approach we created for logger::log_shiny_input_changes where we skip this functionality if session inherits(session, "MockShinySession")

m7pr commented 1 month ago

But how to include that in teal::init if the there is no shiny session yet : ) I guess we could use identical(Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT"), "true") to detect process is in the testing mode

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago


Code Coverage Summary

Filename                          Stmts    Miss  Cover    Missing
------------------------------  -------  ------  -------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R/dummy_functions.R                  36      25  30.56%   21-37, 40-47
R/get_rcode_utils.R                  31       1  96.77%   50
R/include_css_js.R                   22      17  22.73%   12-38, 76-82
R/init.R                             87      31  64.37%   108-115, 164-165, 167, 179-200, 231-232, 234
R/landing_popup_module.R             25      25  0.00%    61-87
R/module_bookmark_manager.R         158     125  20.89%   42-43, 57-59, 70-83, 93-143, 148-149, 189, 224-301
R/module_filter_manager.R            84      19  77.38%   38-42, 157, 162-175
R/module_nested_tabs.R              168      67  60.12%   40-122, 138, 190, 212, 234, 242, 246
R/module_snapshot_manager.R         241     178  26.14%   95-107, 136-139, 143-144, 159-169, 173-188, 190-198, 205-220, 224-228, 230-236, 239-252, 255-273, 282-298, 313-336, 339-350, 353-359, 373, 394-418
R/module_tabs_with_filters.R         79      36  54.43%   34-74, 106, 122
R/module_teal_with_splash.R         114      34  70.18%   66-101, 116, 137, 203-204
R/module_teal.R                     123      86  30.08%   50-119, 152-153, 159-162, 175, 189-227
R/module_wunder_bar.R                60      39  35.00%   23-41, 55-64, 68-77
R/modules.R                         159      23  85.53%   127-130, 147-151, 206-209, 291-292, 344, 356-364
R/reporter_previewer_module.R        19       2  89.47%   30, 34
R/show_rcode_modal.R                 24      24  0.00%    17-42
R/tdata.R                            53       1  98.11%   154
R/teal_data_module-eval_code.R       27       0  100.00%
R/teal_data_module-within.R           7       0  100.00%
R/teal_data_module.R                  6       0  100.00%
R/teal_lockfile.R                    56      22  60.71%   34-38, 43-51, 72, 91, 94-102, 109
R/teal_reporter.R                    68       6  91.18%   69, 77, 125-126, 129, 146
R/teal_slices-store.R                29       0  100.00%
R/teal_slices.R                      59      12  79.66%   137-150
R/TealAppDriver.R                   324     324  0.00%    43-671
R/utils.R                           185       1  99.46%   278
R/validate_inputs.R                  32       0  100.00%
R/validations.R                      58      37  36.21%   110-377
R/zzz.R                              12       8  33.33%   3-15
TOTAL                              2346    1143  51.28%

Diff against main

Filename             Stmts    Miss  Cover
-----------------  -------  ------  -------
R/init.R                +1       0  +0.41%
R/module_teal.R         +3      +2  +0.08%
R/teal_lockfile.R      +56     +22  +60.71%
TOTAL                  +60     +24  +0.23%

Results for commit: 560a1ff2893e6692e5699814c31ed69344465125

Minimum allowed coverage is 80%

:recycle: This comment has been updated with latest results

m7pr commented 1 month ago

Hey team (cc @pawelru @gogonzo @vedhav @donyunardi) based on the points and the discussion in here I personally think there is a lot of issues with running pak::lockfile_create() on our end, because

Should we switch to renv::snapshot() or move to a solution where user passes the lockfile to init, stated by @vedhav in here

m7pr commented 1 month ago

@pawelru as a team we were aligned yesterday during daily that it will be the simplest to allow the user to compute and pass his/her own lockfile. If you do think the approach with shiny::ExtendedTask and pak::lockfile_create has too many obstacles and dark wholes, we are more than happy to close this one and move with the simpler solution.

pawelru commented 1 month ago

@pawelru as a team we were aligned yesterday during daily that it will be the simplest to allow the user to compute and pass his/her own lockfile. If you do think the approach with shiny::ExtendedTask and pak::lockfile_create has too many obstacles and dark wholes, we are more than happy to close this one and move with the simpler solution.

Hmmm... I'm still not very convinced for the reasons I outlined here. It is true that it would be easier to implement as you will essentially delegate the whole thing to the app developer. My hope is that the ease of implementation was not the main reason behind this decision. Recently, we discussed with POs the high level strategy for teal and other products and one of the key items was simplification (of any kind) for developers. This is very much against it and that's why I have problem with it. As a teal app developer, I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect teal to create the lockfile on its own. This of course will (and should) depend on the way how the environment was set up and, in extreme cases, it will produce not restorable file. If it's not restorable then it is how it is. I think that it has to be acknowledged by everyone (developers and users) that some stuff is beyond teal here.

m7pr commented 1 month ago

@pawelru this is proper attitude to state that some cases might be beyond teal. If we stick to this motto, I'm fine creating this feature on our side, knowing that testing of all test cases will be hard but it's not crucial to cover each edge case but rather to support great majority of typical use cases.

m7pr commented 1 month ago

Hey, thanks for the feedback. Finally in this PR I decided to go with renv::snapshot() solution due to motivation I stated in here I think pak is great for package installation, but for the lockfile creation I reckon renv does more automated things for us.

I applied feedback and created a button that allows to download the lockfile. . We ended up using the future::plan() for the asynchronous job.

I allowed the user to pass his own .lockfile, use DESCRIPTION file as a base for .lockfile generation or use default renv::snapshot() behavior to track all packages included in the working directory. You can read the documentation I provided to understand the mechanism. Feel free to test with below code

# pass your own .lockfile
# options(teal.renv.lockfile = "session.lock")

# allow to create the .lockfile based on DESCRIPTION file
# renv::settings$snapshot.type("explicit")

app <- init(
  data = teal_data(iris = iris),
  modules = example_module(label = "example teal module")
if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)
m7pr commented 1 month ago

Maybe one more thing would be capturing the output of renv::snapshot() so it's not pasted into the console. And maybe handling cases when it produces errors, however with the force = TRUE it will produce lockfile even though there are errors.

m7pr commented 1 month ago

urlchecker is failining in the container, but not on my machine locally - will need to pull the container and get inside to verify

gogonzo commented 1 month ago

App fails when I try to start a new (concurent) shiny session.


Also project.lock contains packages which definitely are not associated with the app (teal.modules.clinical, teal.modules.general). I guess it reads from files in a working directory (in my case it is ~/.)

app code ```r pkgload::load_all("teal") app <- init( data = teal_data(iris = iris), modules = example_module(label = "example teal module") ) if (interactive()) { shinyApp(app$ui, app$server) } ```

From the other PR

Because some packages could be loaded on require by some modules, it means that session might constantly change (more and more packages will be added), we recommend then a mechanism to update a lockfile when needed.

This is not needed as renv::snapshot() for the default type = "implicit" takes all packages from the files in current project directory. For the type = "explicit", it takes only the specs from DESCRIPTION file (the same as pak::lockfile_create() does) so it's not working on an actual R session but on a list of files, that do not change.

If it is true that renv::dependencies() can conclude all packages properly then we don't need to run lockfile_create() every shiny session but probably we can set future worker in init (so we have one for the whole app).

m7pr commented 1 month ago

Also project.lock contains packages which definitely are not associated with the app (teal.modules.clinical, teal.modules.general). I guess it reads from files in a working directory (in my case it is ~/.)

@gogonzo yes it does. Please see ?create_renv_lockfile to see it takes from project working directory by default. You can set this up to take from DESCRIPTION file or from custom lockfile. This is the same as renv::snapshot() is set up - they dont take from the session - they take from the working directory or from the DESCRIPTION file. There is also one extensive version to take from all installed files : ) - check renv::snapshot() type parameter documentation.

m7pr commented 1 month ago

If it is true that renv::dependencies() can conclude all packages properly then we don't need to run lockfile_create() every shiny session but probably we can set future worker in init (so we have one for the whole app).

That would be great - this requires the srv_teal_with_splash and srv_teal to pass lockfile/future object through their parameters.

m7pr commented 1 month ago

Hey @gogonzo thanks to your suggestion I moved back lockfile_task creation to init(). It has been there before we provided changes for this suggestion (point 3

Now the lockfile creation task is invoked once and is shared across the app for all shiny sessions. I reckon this is good to go. I added also some monitoring logs. Will schedule a meeting with the team to present the solution and to get this over the finish lines.

m7pr commented 1 month ago

We are seeing an error when running examples during CI that

> cleanEx()
Error: connections left open:
    <-localhost:37159 (sockconn)
    <-localhost:37159 (sockconn)

We may want to setup the parallel connection once the lockfile computations are done.

m7pr commented 1 month ago

@averissimo @kartikeyakirar @vedhav thanks for joining the meeting on Monday where I outlined the status of this feature.

The feature is finalized and ready for a quick review. Below you can find the summary of the feature.

We allow to download the .lockfile through teal app.




Test with

# pass your own .lockfile
# options(teal.renv.lockfile = "session.lock")

# allow to create the .lockfile based on DESCRIPTION file
# renv::settings$snapshot.type("explicit")

app <- init(
  data = teal_data(iris = iris),
  modules = example_module(label = "example teal module")
if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)
m7pr commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the idea for the test - I edited it slighty so it returns back the same parallel background that was set before create_renv_lockfile call. It was an internal function so I did not plan on exhaustive testing but this is great.

testthat::test_that("create_renv_lockfile creates a lock file during the execution", {
  old_plan <- future::plan(future::sequential)

  renv_file_name <- "teal_renv_lock.lock"
  promise <- create_renv_lockfile(TRUE)


I wonder if there is a way to check if shiny::ExtendedTask() in teal::app is created, however we specifically omit the creation of it during tests

m7pr commented 1 month ago

Thanks @kartikeyakirar and @averissimo for the review! Included comments and suggestions in recent commits

m7pr commented 3 weeks ago

@pawelru any last words on this one? This was a bumpy ride, and even though the research phase took a while I think we did huge team-work on this

m7pr commented 2 weeks ago

@pawelru I think you can consider yourself as an author :D

gogonzo commented 2 weeks ago

@ruckip @m7pr I just had a moment of reflection on the sofa. And yes, I know it is in already. I just want to know you thoughts


pawelru commented 2 weeks ago

I have no strong preference nor opinion on that to be honest. I'm fine with whatever not blocking shiny session. Of course the simpler the better.

m7pr commented 1 week ago

I created an alternate PR where we use callr instead of future and promises. Testing it now

m7pr commented 1 week ago

The simplified version that does not use future+promise combination can be found in here and is ready for testing Waaay more simplified, however we lost track of the possibility to track the outcome of lockfile creation